Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/180

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150 THIRTY—-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 49. 1861. N¤¤fi<=¤1 MM- For preparing for publication the Amfgifiau Nautical Almanac, twemy· °°°‘ ii th . dht b dred and eighty rs. Cham of sux- v;?or0`:!;&e;nc0$1;€:1cti0\;1¤ of the charts of the survey of the La Plata, su: ve of than th d d 11 Pg"' d;;:urcdu(oid·;&md preparing for printing and engraving, under dnrecmm of Captain Cadwalladar Ringgold, sublcct to the control of the Secretary of the Navy of the United States, copxes of the charts of all surveys gud Nm pmgc reconnoissaumcs made by him while in command of tb•;N0rth Pamfie ¤*}¤j'°7i¤E ***1*** Surveying Expedition, and of the “Coral drchxpclago, and the aP. d‘"°“*&°' proacbes thereto, together with sailing direcuons, reports, hydrographm and other results, and observations explanatory of the voyage, calculated to lessen the dangers md facilimti i;terc0Exrsc wit; 1 éhcggasgfn sei? China and Japan, in accor ance wit t c ostxma o ap m udggo , Proviso. seversthousaud seven hundred dollars? That ng paibhcatno? shall be made under and by virtue hcrco except t a same e the resd t of actual surveys, rcconnoissauccs, and,observatio{xs made by Captam Ringgold, or under his personal direction and supervision. ghms of N; For completing the publication of the charts of the exploration of dm Pwifc, &<=· wu- North Pacific, China 8688, and Bebring’s Straits, eleven thousand mx hundred and seventy-two dollars. Puvmeuts made Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the payments heretofore made Qgifffgs °g;°" to the clerks of yards and tho commaudautd clerks at the navy ydrds of mnhimgdKitzmry and Philadelphia, under appropriations made by Congress for that purpose, at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum, are hereby allowed and confirmed. Rqtirediist for Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United m°d‘°“1 °m°°”‘ States is hereby authorized to place on a retired list any medical officer 0f the navy who is now or may hereafter be proved to be permanently incapable, from physical or mental iniirmity, of further service at sea; and that the pay of ciiiccrs so retired shall be the leave of absence pay of their respective grades as it existed prior to the passage of the act of 1860,ch. 67. Congress to regulate the pay of the navy, approved June cue, eighteen AW, P· 23· hundred and sixty. vucuncimgn Sum 4. And be it further enacted, That all vacancies in the medical zrtegigimorw, corps of the navy caused by the foregoing section shall be filled in accord- . Z ance with established usage: Provided, The number of medical 0iHcers Mmm Ex the active list shall not exceed the number authorized by existing ws. Act 1860, eh. S20. 5. And be it furihu enacted, That the third section of the act 235519 &“*'°P°°·‘" entitled "An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and ' gudicial escpcnsea ozthe Govomment for the year ending the thirticth of une, ci<r 1tcen uu re and sixty-one" approved June twenty-three eiglxtccuchundred and sixty, pq and thd same is hereby repealed, except; Sage; z;;I; §an<;;oct1o2 ygolggxts toc Furchaso of patented iiresmms, as to 1 s aonsa Sl cm cme. J;:;;::; sdm- S20. 6. And be it further enacted, That the compensation of the super- VM a;trKn2m;& zotendent of the naval astronomical expedition to Chili shall be that proqywdgtgonm vrded by the act of March third, eighteen hundred and Hfsy-one, entitled blygh m “An ant making approprizntionsjor the year ending the thiraieth of June, v°l ;x P m eighteen hundred and fifty-two, from the seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and 6fty-five, and that the amount necessary to pay the same be dud is hereby agxpropriated out of any money in the Treasury not. otherwxsc appropriate . A pxppmrions Sm. 7. And be it further enacted That all appropriations now 01* here-

 B'; after made for the preparation or pdldicatiqn of foreign bydrographic surmé how;,,},, geys g1;;! gn? Ii? appmblc to than object upon the approval by the

· ocre 0 t c avy, 1- a report from three competent naval officers to the; offact t¥1m: the origidsd data for proposed charts are such as to jus: nf? therr publicatxon ; and xt IB hcrcby made the duty of the Secretary of