Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/199

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THIRTY··SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 57. 1861. l69 Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That maps, engravings, lithographs, Ms , engravcr photographic prints, on rollers or in paper covers ; books, bound 0;- mq- iw. Em. milbound, phonogrupbio paper', and letter envelopes, shall be deemed mail- ’§x:§¤;;t,t§:“°n_ able matter, and charged with postage by the weight of the package, not in any case to exceed four pounds, at the rate of one cent an ounce, or Pw¢,.1>· 7% fraction of an ounce, to any place in the United States under fifteen hundred miles, and at the rate of two cents an ounce, or fraction of an ounce, over fifteen hundred miles, to be prepaid by postage stamps. Sec. 13. And be it ji¤*Um‘ enacted, That cards, blank or printed, blanks Cv-fda &¤-. in packages weighing at least eight ounces, and seeds or cuttings, in pack- seeds, &¢-. ages not exceeding eight ounces in weight, shall also be deemed mailable maihblc matter. matter, and charged with postage at the rate of one cent an ounce, or Postage. fraction of an ounce, to any place in the United States under fifteen hu n- pm, p. 704. dred miles, and at the rate of two cents an ounce or traction of an ounce, over fifteen hundred miles, to be prepaid by postage stamps. Sec. 14. And be it jlxrther enacted, That theactof third of March, eigh· Postage beteen hundred and £l`ty·5ve, entitled "An act futher to amend the act en- lfoiin fzsgim titled ‘An act to reduce and modify the rates of postage in the United md {urge, States, and for other purposes,' " passed March third, eighteen hundred and mss, en, 173, nity-one, be and the same is hereby so modified as to require the ten cent V°l· X- P— 64*- rate of postage to be prepaid ou letters conveyed in the mail from any gu d'°P‘l5'§f'$ point in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, to any State or ;g,,,,:PE_mpm y Territory on the Pacific, and from any State or Territory on the Pacific to any point in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. And all drop letters shall be prepaid by postage stamps. Sec. 15. And be it _/iarther enacted, That the Postmaster General is Ovsrxmd mail hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for the daily *0 C¤m`<>l'¤l§· transportation of the entire mail, overland, between Saint Joseph, Mis- adlzgggggé t° be souri, or some other point on the Missouri river, connected by railroad with the East, which may he selected by the contractor, and Placerville, California, over the central route, the bids to be received till the first gee,,,,,; Monday of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and the service to Ch·73.§9.p· commence July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, or as soon thereafter 20a' as possible, and to terminate July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-tive. And the Postmaster General is hereby directed to award the contract to the Contract to lowlowest responsible bidder furnishing ample guarantees of his ability and m_’,:f_P°““'bl° disposition to perform his contract: Provided, That the amount of his bid 1;,,;,,,],,,,, ,,5;,;; shall not exceed eight hundred thousand dollars per year: Provided, That the contractor shall supply Denver City and Great Salt Lake City at Denver City, &¤. least semi-weekly without extra charge: And provided, further, That the letter and newspaper mail shall be carried through in twenty days, Time of letter and the pamphlet, magazine, periodical, and public document mail in &°· *****1* thirty·§ve days. But the Postmaster General may authorize the carry- 1j¤mph1et,&¤. ing of said pamphlet, magazine, periodical, and public document portion mmof the mail by steamship route, at least semi-monthly to San Francisco, if desired by the contractor, and if said service is performed at the contractors expense: And provided, further, That the contractor shall not yy,-eight,,-,,8,,,,, be required, in addition to the letter mail, to carry more of the news- paper man limitpaper mail by the twenty days schedule than will make the average °‘L weight of the whole mail one thousand pounds perday; and the remainder, if any, of the newspaper mail shall be carried on the thirty-tive day schedule above provided for. Sm. 16. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General M,_n.,·mm 8076 is hereby directed to extend the existing mail contract on route eight i¤ T¤¤¤5· thousand and seventy-six, in the State of Texas, so that it will expire with connecting route twelve thousand five hundred and seventy-eight, known as the Butterfield route, provided it can be done at an additional The Butterfield Gipense not exceeding eighty thousand dollars per annum, and provide ’°“*°‘ for a semi-weekly connection with the city of New Orleans, but tho Post- VOL. xu. Pun.--22