Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/217

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THIRTY~SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 68. 1861. 187 herein imposed; on crown, plate, or polished, and cm all other window Window glass. glass not exceeding ten by fifteen inches, one cent and :2. half per square foot; above that, and not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches, two cents and 21 half per square foot; above that, and nos exceeding twenty— four by thirty inches, four cents per square foot; all above that, five cents per square foot: Provided, That all crown, p!ate,or polished, and all other Proviso. window glass weighing over one hundred and fifty pounds per one hundred square feet shall pay an additional duty on such excess of four cents per pound; on all plain and mould and press glassware, not cut, en· Gi¤¤¤*¤¤¢· gmved, or painted, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; on all articles of glass, cut, engraved, painted, colored, printed, stained, silvered, or gilded, thirty per cenmm ad valorem; on porcelain and Bohemian glass, glass Porcelain crystals for watches, paintings on glass or glasses, pebbles for spectacles, gmsand all manufactures of glass, or of which glass shall be 2. component material, not otherwise provided for, and all glass bottles or jars filled with swectmeats, preserves, or other articles, thirty per centum ad valorem. Second: On China and porcelain ware of all descriptions, thirty per Ching and ccnmm ad valorem; on all brown earthen and common stone ware, p°'°°1°‘m“ ”°‘ twenty per cenmm ad valorem; on all other earthen, stone, or crockery Egrthen and ware, printed, white, glazed, edged, painted, dipped, or cream colored, com- ¤*<>¤•¤ Wmposed of earthy or mineral substances, twenty-five per centum ao valorem. S20. 18. And be it jinzlzer enacted, That from and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned, the following duties, that is to say: On all books, periodicals and pamphlets and all printed matter and Books, periodiillustrated books and papers, and on watches and parts of watches, and fag? ¤¤d P¤¤¤Phwatch materials, and uniinished parts of watches, fifteen per centum ad G ' valorem. S20. 19. And 6c it further enacted, That from and after the day and _ Artgles D¤;_5’{ year aforesaid there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of ten ;€;n?ut¥ n? °° per centnm on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned and embraced in this section, that is to say: Acids, nin-iq yellow and white, oxnlic, and all other acids of every description used for medicinal purposes or in the fine arts, not otherwise provided for;· Aloesg Amber; Ammonia, sal ammonia, muriate and carbonate of ammonia; Anise seed; Arrowroot; Assafoetida; Bamboos; Baxks of all kinds not otherwise provided for; Beeswax; Black lead, or plumbago ; Bomte of lime; Brass, in pigs or bars, or when old and Ht only to be remanufactured; Brazil paste; Bronze liquor; Building stones ; Cambarides; Castor beams or seeds; Chronometers, box or ship’s, and parts thereof; Cocculus indicus ; _ Compositions of glass or paste, not set, intended for use by Jewellers; Pod. v· 294- Cornmeal; Diamonds, glaziersf, set or not set; Dutch and bronze metal, in leaf;