Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/220

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190 THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 68. 1861. Matting, China, and other door matting, and mats made of flags, jute, or rass ; Mercurial preparations, not otherwise provided for; Medicinal roots and leaves, and all other drugs and medicines in a crude state, not otherwise provided for; Metals, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for; Mineral and bituminous substances in a crude state, not otherwise provided for; Musical instruments of all kinds, and strings for musical instruments of whip gut, or catgut, and all other strings of the same material; Mustard, ground or manufactured ; Needles of all kinds for sewing, darning, and knitting; Oils, neatsfoot and other animal oils, spermaceti, whale and other iish oil, the produce of foreign fisheries; Oils volatile, essential or expressed, not otherwise provided for; Osier or willow, prepared for basket-makers’ use ; Paints, dry or ground in oil, not otherwise provided for ; Pitch ; Plaster of Paris, calcined; Quills; Ratans and reeds, manufactured or partially manufactured; Red precipitate; Roman cement; rosin; Sal soda, hyposulphate of soda, and all carbonates of soda, by whatever name designated, not otherwise provided for; Salts, Epsom, Glauber, Rochelle, and all other salts and preparations of salts, not otherwise provided for; Shoes or boots, and other articles, composed wholly of India-rubber, not otherwise provided for; Skins, tanned and dressed, of all kinds ; Spices of all kinds, not otherwise provided for ; Spirits of turpentine ; Starch; Stereotype plates; Still bottoms ; Strychnine ; Sulphate of barytes, crude or refined ; Sulphate of magnesia; Sulphate of quiuinc; Tar; Thread laces, and insertings; Type metal; Types, new; Varnish of all kinds; Vandyke brown; Venetian red; Vermilion; Whalebone, the produce of foreign fisheries; White vitriol or sulphate of zinc; Wood unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for; Woollen listings. Sec. 21. And be it jin ther enacted, That from and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on copper ore and Aytiqrgg paying diamonds, cameos, mosaics, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, $::£’yf£§;’¤ *2; whep not set, a duty of five per centum ad valorem on the same · when ,,,,,,mm_ P set in gold, silver or other metal, or on imitations thereof, and all other Jewelry, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; on hair cloth and hair seatmgs, and all other manufactures of hair, not otherwise provided for, twenty~tive per centum ad valorem. Sec. 22. And be it furt/ear enacted, That from and after the day