Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/228

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chandise in deposit in warehouse or public store on the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, shall be subject to pay such duties as provided by law before and at the time of the passage of this act; and all goods in warehouse at the time this act takes effect, on which the duties are lessened by its provisions, may be withdrawn on payment of the duties herein provided.

Approved, March 2, 1861.

Territmgg f W f Clerical m. Be it enacted ky the Senate arid Home ey" Representatives ty" the United vi¤¤¤i¤l¤¤<i· _ States ry" America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the §?°§.f‘°Ol·Y'"Pm’ Interior be authorized to make such allowances for clerical services in bringing up the arrearages of business at the land office at Olympia, Washington Territory, including payment of clerical services already necessarily incurred, as. on the production of the proper evidence, be may deem equitable and just, the amount not to exceed the sum of three thousand dollars, and to be paid out of the appropriation for incidental expenses of district land offices.

Approved, March 2, 1861.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Exgmmqrrn. States of America in Ozmgress assembled That the following sums, or so *%€3;m:¤*:“*i°¤ ig much thereof as may be necessary, be and they are hereby appropriated Omg",} °° °" out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to dehay the expenses incurred in the Territories of Washington and Oregon, in the suppression of Indian hostilities therein in the years eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve and eighteen hundred and fifty-six. psy or vom;. For the payment of volunteers, embracing the first, second, and ninth Wm- Oregon regiments, and the three companies of minuteqnen, numbered sixty, sixty-one, and sixty-two, and the first and second Washington regiments and promiscuous companies, including the companies of Captain Strong and Captain Hays, four hundred thousand dollars, after deducting stoppeges as ascertained by the Third Auditor of the Treasury in his report of the seventh of February, eighteen hundred and sixty, made in pursuance of a. resolution of the House of Representatives passed the eighth of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine; said claims to be examined and audited by the Third Auditor of the Treasury, who shall allow to said volunteers the same pay and allowances as were paid to offiecrs and soldiers of equal grade at that period in the United States Payment tobe army serving in that country: Provided, That. payment shall only be fg: Q:'? made to such of the above-named companies as shall be shown by satisservice. factory proof to have been engaged in actual service in the Held for the period and in the manner claimed. Pay {br mein. For the payment of claims for services, supplies, transportation, and so mwvfwlm- forth, incurred in the maintenance of said volunteers, two million four hundred thousand dollars, to be paid upon the principle, and agreeably to the rates for services, supplies, transportation, and so forth, allowed and reported by the Third Auditor of the Treasury in his aforesaid repprt of the seventh of February, eighteen hundred and sixty: Provided, rm?;,.,, hat said Auditor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to receive additional evidence as to the amount or value of supplies, transportation, and personal services, and to correct errors in his former report touching the some; and in cases where supplies were furnished at points in either of sand Territories, where similar supplies were not furnished for the