THIRTY•·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 73, 74, 75, 76. 1861. 207 the discontinuance of said route, now performed by the contractors on said route, by good and sufficient mail service, to take eH`ect upon such discontinuance. Ssc. 13. And be it further enacted, That any of the provisions of Rqpenl of in qfrhc act, entitled "An act for the establishment of post routes," approved ?°““°?“*f’fg£‘ the twenty-seventh, of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, before Liss5g_ M ’ referred to, which conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby re- Am, pp. 151, pealed. 169. Approved, Mau-ch 2, 1861. Cin?. LXHV.—An Act for the Rdkfloégwmn Chippewa:, Ottawa, and Pottawatcmic March 2, 1861. LGR`?. '_¥';°°"f Bc it enacted by the Smale and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assernéled, That the Secretary of the Iutc· Report to be rior bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed [to] examine and report g;°d° if ;1m°“¥; to Congress at its next session, what amount, if any, is duo to the Chip- Chiiypewu, {Smpewa, Ottawa, and Pottawatomie Indians now residing in the State of W**~ mid PP*¤*· Michigan. under and by virtue of the treaties of July twenty-nine, cigb- w°t°°"° I°d"m' been hundred and twenty-nine, the twenty-sixth of September, eighteen V I .. hundred and thirty-three, and the articles supplementary thereto of Sep· y?0]_v$fiPi,?igj1 tcmbcr twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, with said In- 442. _ dians, and under the treaty of the fifth and seventeenth of Juno, eighteen P· gg? hundred and forty-six, with the Pottawatomic nation of Indians; and the' P` ` Secretary of the Interior is furthermore hereby authorized and directed to ascertain and report at the same time whether [there is] any money or property heretofore payable to said Pottawatomio nation under and by virtue of the treaty of October twenty-six, eighteen hundrcg and thirty- two, or other treaties, which has not been appropriated an paid; aud, if any, what amount. " Armovsn, March 2, 1861. Cn1·.LXXV.-An Aa declaring uu Value or the new silver Florin q" Auszria. Mm;. 2, 186;. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives q" the United Staml of America in Congress assembled, That the new silver ilorin of Newsuvqgmu Austria. shall, in all computations at the ¢.-ustom·house, be estimated at °fA¤¤¤i¤~ forty-six cents and nincbee¤·lxundr<-zdths of a cent. Approved, March 2, 1861. P. VI.-A.nActmak{ A `tiomto aD:inl}¢eA ° _ °’I$»..}.¥w www of the FWWJEM ,,·’?•’£Z’f£’.. EW z’“.m.m.’““ “’“*'“. L‘fF-‘L‘?l’i°L Be it enacted Q1] the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State: of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same arc hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not Appygpyiatigns otherwise appropriated, no wiz: {¤q¤;1>¤ef¤ gw? First. For dofraying the expenses of a geological reconnoissancc and ggégoumggy ° explorations in Oregon and Washington Territories, over and above the YQ/ashington Texappropriations of March three, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and “*°“°*· eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, as per accounts audited and adjusted, three thousand five hundred and seventy-four dollars and seventy cents. Second. For expenses incurred in the analysis of oightyeight spacimons, fiom different localities, of soils, coals, and ores, and preparation of the final report for publication, six thousand nine hundred and eighty- four dollars and fifty cents. Armowan, March 2, 1861.
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