Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/245

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THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C1:. 84. 1861. 215 and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereafter expressed, Civil expenses, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty- ¤PP*'°P*’l*¤°¤· two, viz: Survey of the U0ast.— For continuing the survey of the Atlantic and cout mw} Gulf coast of the United States, (including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding pay and emoluments of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work,) two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the western coast of the United States, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the Florida reefs and keys, (including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding pay and emoluments of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work,) twenty-tive thousand dollars. For completing the line to connect the triangulation on the Atlantic coast with that on the Gulf of Mexico, across the Florida Peninsula, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, five thousand dollars. For publishing the observations made in the progress of the survey of the coast of the United States, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, five thousand dollars. For repairs of steamers and sailing schooners used in the coast survey, ten thousand dollars. For fuel and quarters, and for mileage or transportation for officers and enlisted soldiers of the army serving in the coast survey, in cases no longer provided for by the quartermaster’s department, five thousand dollars. For pay and rations of engineers for seven steamers used in the hy- drography of the coast survey, no longer supplied by the Navy Department, twelve thousand eight hundred dollars. To supply deficiency in the fund For the relief of sick and disabled sea- Deueiency for men, two hundred thousand dollars. ’°’·'“°“· For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims, not otherwise provided Mi¤¤¤H¤¤<¤>¤¤ for, as shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the Treasury, five °l'“m" thousand dollars. ‘Lighthouse Establishment.-—For the Atlantic, Gulf, and Lake coasts, Lighthouse WZ 7 establishment. For supplying the lighthouses and beacon-lights with oil, glass chimneys, wicks, chamois skins, polishing powder, whiting, and other cleaning materials, transportation, and other necessary expenses of the same, repairing and keeping in repair the lighting apparatus, one hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and ninety-eight dollars and eighty cents. For repairs and incidental expenses, refitting and improving all the lighthouses and buildings connected therewith, one hundred and two thousand two hundred dollars. For salaries of five hundred and ninety-six keepers of lighthouses and light-beacons, and their assistants, two hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-three cents. For salaries of forty-three keepers of light·vessels, twenty-three thousand nine hundred dollars. For seamen’s wages, repairs, supplies, and incidental expenses of forty- live light-vessels, one hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven dollars and seventy cents. For expenses of raising, cleaning, painting, repairing, remooring, and supplying losses of buoys and day·beacons, and for chains and sinkers for the same, and for coloring and numbering all the buoys, one hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.