218 THIR.TY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Suss. II. Ch. 84. 1861. Eighth Census. For expenses of taking the eighth census of the inhabitants of the United States, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars. Bonnie Gar- Botanic Garden.-For grading, draining, procuring manure, tools, fuel, - dw- and repairs, purchasing trees and shrubs for botanic garden, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, three thousand three hundred dollars. For pay of horticulturists and assistants, in the botanic garden and green-houses, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, five thousand one hundred and twenty-one dollars and fift cents. Survey ufpub- igurvqq of the Public Lands.-—For surveying the public lands, ( excluuc l*¤dS· sive of California, Oregon, "Washington, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, and Utah,) including incidental expenses and island surveys in the interior, and all other special and diilicult surveys demanding augmented rates, to be apportioned and applied to the several surveying districts,;acc;>rding to the exi ncies of the public service, including expenses 0 se eating swamp lungs, and the comgensation and expenses to survey or to locate private land claims in Louisiana, in addition to the unexpended balances of all former appropriations, fifty thousand dollars. California. For surveying the public lands and private land claims in California, to be disbursed at the rates prescribed by law for the different kinds of work, twenty thousand dollars. New Medea- For surveying the public lands and private land claims in New Mexico, ten thousand dollars. K¤¤¤¤¤ Md For surveying the public lands in Kansas and Nebraska, also outlines N°b""Sk“‘ of Indian reservations, twenty thousand dollars.
Clerlc on ¤pe— For salary of the clerk detailed for the special service in the General
°‘*’·l “°"‘°°‘ Land Office to attend to the unfinished surveys in the States where the offices of the surveyors general have been closed, two thousand dollars. Of¢S<*¤· For surveying the public lands in Oregon, to be disbursed at the rates now authorized by law, flfneen thousand dollars. Washington For surveying the public lands in Washington Territory, at the rates Territory. now authorized by law, fifteen thousand dollars : Provided, that the clause of the act approved the twenty-third of June, eighteen hundred
Repeal ¤f r>¤1‘-and sixty, appropriating eight thousand dollars to carry into efect the
Ea'? °f f°"“°' act approved the sixteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty, cre- 1860, ch. 50. ating an additional land district in Washington Territory, be, and the `l86°·°l*·9i°5· same is hereby, repealed. A"“’ p`For preparing the unfinished records of public and private surveys, to be transferred to the State authorities, under the provisions of the act of 1840, ch. 36. twelfth of June, eighteen hundred and forty, in those districts where the v°l· "· P· 38* surveys are about being completed, per act; of twenty-second of January, 1853- ch·24- eighteen hundred and fifty-three, eight thousand eight hundred dollars. WL "‘ P` In To supply deficiency in appropriation for expenses for the present fiscal year, of transportation of bullion from the assay-office, at New York, to the mint at Philadelphia, for coinage, twentymine thousand dollars. For constructing on each iloor of the government building called “Winder’s Building " the necessary water-closets, urinals, slop-water sinks, and hose-cocks, three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Mint an Phila- For incidental and contingent expenses, including wastage of the mint ¤¢l1>hi¤· at Philadelphia, in addition to the sum appropriated by the act " making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government," fifteen thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, including wustnge, at the mint. San Frmeiwo. at San Francisco, in addition to the sum appropriated by the act “ making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government," twenty thousand dollars. 1819 ch 101 To enable the President of the United States to carry into effect the `Vol,iii,p,532, act of third March, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and any subsequent