Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/256

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226 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1861. Vol. ix. p. 842. dollars, at five per centum. per second article treaty fourteenth January, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollars. Kiekapms. .K?c7rapoos.—-For eighth instalmentof interest at five per centum on V.>1.x. p. 1078. one hundred thousand dollars for education, pei second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand dollars. For the payment of this sum as the eighth instalment upon two hundred thousand dollars, to be paid in eighteen hundred and sixty-one, per second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nine thousand dollars. Menomonees. .Menomonees.—For sixth of twelve instalments for continuing and keeping up a blacksmith shop, and providing the usual quantity of iron Vol.ix. p. 952. and steel, per fourth article treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred Vol. x.p. 1065. and forty-eight, and third article treaty twelfth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nine hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents. For sixth of ten instalments of annuity upon two hundred thousand dollars, balance of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for cession of lands, per fourth article treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and orty-ei¤-ht, and third article treaty twelfth May eivhteen hundred and fifty-fou{l·, twenty thousand dollars. ’ c For sixth of fifteen instalments for pay of a miller, per third article trejtéy twelfth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-tbur, six hundred dollars. Kmiamiesof _ {amiss ty Kansas.-·-For permanent provision for blacksmith and v°;“”· 1 1 assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per fifth article treaty sixth October, =*€’¤-¥"»*’1¤¤¤- $$€l."iT.'L.f§Z.‘id§3‘.i ii'}§.3.‘?'I`.§c§?;.“i.‘}.i3f.§ih.£i‘€3fi5$£.ii'h J“"°’ °‘g*" vs- st p. at t...§'5§1`i‘ 3ZEb‘Z£?2igK?..Y.' E}.1§f:..i”£I.‘3“ .E3i,.ftZ`.?.1’f i'$¥J’Z€·SiiE ELT; twenty-third October, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and fourth article treaty of fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at five per centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty- four, two thousand five hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments upon two hundred thousand dollars, psgugligdaagtfle gregttg iilflh June, eighteen hundred and hfty-four, seven . v un re dollars. Mismies of In- Mamies of Ind£ana.—~For interest on two hundred and twent ‘u‘“‘· thousand two hundred and fifty seven dollars and eiTone __ _ _ _ · ght -six ts t ii 'gg}: 2:1 gg; per centum, for Miami Indians of Indiana, per Senat5e’s amirhdidlent ll: ourth article treaty nfth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eleven I umd thwmllancbgxgrtwojgllars and eighty-nine cents. · Rmb z tes, ’ ner. lor permanent annuity m goods or otherwise, VOL vm P_ EL pg; cgrgglggeaty third August, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, v01_ vg P_ 91. For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per third article treaty tiwgnty-first August, eighteen hundred and tive, two hundred and fifty o ars. For permanent annuity in voods or otherwis h' ·d v01_ ,.;;_ pup article to mem _ _ ¤ _ 8, per t n and separate y tlnrtxeth September e hte h d d d ` huximugd fifty douarsl , ng en un re an nine, three Nin ually, tkg y Puyallup and oth Tribe d Ba ck ‘ .. m;‘;:q*;_l’6;¤<;¤d seventh linsthiment, in part paymzht for rselihliuishmtnt dltftilldhtcdn id bud, ,,H,,d,,m_ be applied to benencial objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-sixth De§e)ml;:,e<::(gl1t:£er; vhplpgrregsgld Mtg-pur, fifteefn hundred dollars. _ _ _ 1 men or at'.. v··.» P ue ,,,,,£.,,,.,,,.§5f,)., as r.. ..~ 13,,-,`{.`2.“€§.€‘€E LYSEE iii?} wen y-sixt ecem er eightee h dr d d iift - ' seven hundred dollars. l g n un e an y {mm mx thousand 0¤•h¤-vol-x.P.10"4. Orrtga/zf¢.r.<:.;Fo1; the fourth of ten instalments of this amount, being secon o the series, in money or otherwue, r fourth arti ' womb M I , b P6 _ cle treaty six eng teen hundred and iit'ty-four, thirty thousand dollars.