232 THIRTY—-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ox-1. 85. 1861. For tifleenth of thirty instalments of interest on eighty-five thousand Vol.ix.p.878. dollars, at five per centum, per fourth article treaty thirteenth October, A eighteen hundred and forty-six, four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. ymcwn tribe Yana6em 1H6e qf‘Siou:c.·— For third of ten instalments to be paid to them of Sioux- or expended for their benefit, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to and settle and reside upon their reservation, per fourth V<>r xi- p- 74-L article treaty nineteenth April, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, sixty-five . thousand dollars. M3:Il?£°(§:§_’ Oalapooias, llblalla, and Clackamas Jhdians, ·y" Wllamue VaUe_y.-. Clackamas of For second of Eve instalments of annuity for beneficial objects, per second Em“‘“°“° vu' article treaty twenty-second January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight; \lI¤1.x.p.1144. thousand dollars. _ POM8s_ Pemcas. —- For third of five instalments to be paid to them or expended for their benefit, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to and settle upon the tract reserved for their future homes, per second P<>¤*»I>·997· article treaty twellih March, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, twelve thousand dollars. For third of ten instalments for the establishment and maintenance of one or more manual-labor schools, under the direction of the President, per second article treaty twelfth March, eighteen hundred and i·ifty-eight, five thousand dollars. For third of ten instalments, or during the pleasure of the President, to be expended in furnishing said Indians with such aid and assistance in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, including the working of the mill provided for in the first part of this article, as the Secretary of the Interior may consider advantageous and necessary for them, per second article treaty twelfth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Dwmnish and Dwamish and other allied Tribes in Washington Territory.--For ?;h$;:;“1;i;d*t:*!E°° second instalment on one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, under the T8,.,m,,.y_ g direction of the President, per sixth article treaty twenty-sec0nd January, Pon, p. 927. eighteen hundred and fifty-five, twelve thou: .nd dollars. For second of twenty instalments for the establishment and support of an agricultural and industrial school, and to provide said school with a suitable instructor or instructors, per fourteenth article treaty twenty- second January, eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve, three thousand dollars. For second of twenty instalments for the establishment and support of a smith and carpenters shop, and to furnish them with the necessary tools, per fourteenth article treaty twenty-second January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and physician. who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per fourteenth article treaty twenty-second January, eighteen hundred and. fifty-five, four thousand six hundred dollars. M,,k,h,_ Makak Tribe.——For second instalment on thirty thousand dollars, pm, p, 940, under the direction of the President, per fifth article treaty thirty-first gapuary, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand and five hundred o lars. For second of twenty instalments for the support of an agricultural and industrial school and for pay of teachers, per eleventh article treaty thirty-first January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand five hundred dollars. For second. of twenty instalments for support of a smith and carpenter’s shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per eleventh article treaty thirty-first January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, tive hundred dollars, For second of twenty instalments for the employment of a blacksmith,
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