Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/264

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234 THIRTY-TSIXTH CONGRESS- Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1861. For second of twenty instalments for the salary of such personias the said confederated tribes and bands of Indians may select to he then- head chief per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, ndred d larsp Ns, Pmé,. H“lV;uPeree I}i)d£ans.—,For_secopd of five instalments for beneficial ob- 1%,,, P_ gw jects, at thediscretion of the President, per fourth article. treaty eleventh June. eighteen hundred and fifty-fire, ten thousand dollars._ Eur second of twenty instalments for the support of two-schpols,_one of which to be an, agricultural and industrial. school; keeping in-repair school buildings, and for providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and nfty-tire, five hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and Bfty-five, three thousand two hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for keeping in repair blacksmiths’, tinsmiths}, gunsmiths’, carpenters?, and wagon and plough makers’ shops, and for providing necessary tools therefor, per. fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five,,five hundred dollars. · For second of twenty instalments for the employment of one. supermtendent of farming, and two farmers, two millers,_two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gunsmith, onecarpenter, and one wagon and plough maker, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred andfifty-five, nine thousand four hundreddollars. For second of twenty instalments for keeping in repair saw and flouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty-eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five,_five hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for, keepingin repair the hospital, and providing thenecessary medicines and furniture therefor, per. fifth article treaty eleventh Jungeightmn. hundred and fifty-tive, three hundred dollars. For second of twentyinstalments for pay of a_ physician, per fifth- article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty»five, one thousand four hundreddollars. For second of twenty instalmentsfor keeping in repair the buildings for the various employees, and for providing the necessary furniture therefplr, pc: Hgh gréicple treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, t ree un re dollars. For secondof twenty instalments. for.the.salary of such person as the tribe may select to be their head chief,_per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. Fl¤th¤¤d¤ wd Flatheads and other Oanjédemted Tribes.-For·second instalment on

g‘ff,b°;‘ff°°°'“° one hundred and twenty thousand dollars for beneficial objects, at the dis-

Pw 976 cretion of the President, per, fourth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen ' p`hundred and fifty-five, six thousand dollars. For second of twenty instalmentsfor the support of an agricultural and industrial school, keeping in repair the buildings, and providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per nfth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and nfty-five, three hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for providing suitable instructors therefor, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty- five. one thousand eight hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for keeping in repair blacksmiths’, tin_and_gunsmiths’, carpenters', and wagon and plough makers’ shops, and providing necessary tools, therefor, per. fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for the employment of two farmers,