Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/267

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THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 85. 1861. 237 For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery To Cbippsyu of annuities and provisions to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, five thou- °fL*k° S“P°“°'· sand seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-three cents. For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery To (g;,;,,,,,,,,, of annuities and provisions to the Chippewas of the Mississippi, three orttieltississippi. thousand eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and seventy-Eve cents. Pay of um For the compensation of live extra clerks employed in the Indian ciiice, clerks. under the act of fifth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third vgfgv °b5.I§67· March, eighteen hundred and nity-tive, and under appropriations made 1d55,I:h. its. from year to year, seven thousand dollars. VM- x· v· 643- For compensation of one clerk in the Indian office, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the regulations prescribed to give effect to the seventh section of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, granting bounty lands to Indians, fourteen hundred dollars. For compensation of two extra clerks in the Indian office, employed to carry out the treaty with the Chickasaws in the adjustment of their claims, two thousand eight hundred dollars. For expenses attending the vaccination of Indians, two thousand five v,°dudm_ hundred dollars. For survey of the Ponca reserve, two hundred and my dollars. Survey ot‘1>on· For compensation of Eve supervisors for the reservations in California, °¤1§°°°*::· to instruct the Indians in husbandry, at one thousand eight hundred dol- v,,;,,; ,:,:,1::: lars each, per act nineteenth June, eighteen hundred and sixty, making tions in Californine thousand dollars. mf,60 dh 1H_ For compensation of twenty laborers, to aid each of the supervisors, Ame: p. 51. (which compensation not to exceed fifty dollars per month,) per act nineteenth June, eighteen hundred and sixty, twelve thousand dollars. For defraying the expenses of the removal and subsistence of Indians Ramon], am in Oregon and Washington Territory, (not parties to any treaty,) and for oflndimsin Ore. pa of necessary employees, fifty thousand dollars. igltosud W”h· hor the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Oregon Inciéwm ex_ and Washington Territory, including insurance and transportation of an- pgngeg of www nuities, goods, and presents, (where no special provision therefor is made kg (g;;Z<>¤ Md by treaties,) and otitice and travelling expenses of the superintendent, °° g°°°‘ agents, and sub-agents, thirty-five thousand dollars. For payment to the Sisseeton and Wah-pa·ton bands of the Dakota}: or Payment to Sioux Indians, for their reservation on the Minnesota river, in the State Sisseeton and of Minnesota, containing five hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hun- gl'¤g;P:t;§<>*é_ dred acres, at thirty cents per acre, one hundred and seventy thousand m ° mn" eight hundrmi and eighty dollars: Provided, That the said sum may be May be mw, paid, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, in bonds of the in U. s. bonds. United States authorized by law at the present Session of Congress. For payment to the Med-a·wa-kan-ton and Wah-pa·k00-ta bands of the To the Med-a· Dakota or Sioux Indians, for their reservation on the Minnesota river, in w::¤¤·*;¤ gd the State of Minnesota, containing three hundred and twenty thousand gud2a` °°' acres, at thirty cents per acre, ninety-six thousand dollars: Provided, That the said sum may be paid, at the discretion of the Secretary of the _ May be made Treasury, in bonds of the United States authorized by law, at the present *¤ U- S- '>°¤¤¤· session of Congress. _ For general incidental expenses of the Indians in the Territory of coneenn-sting Utah on reservations therein remote from emigrant routes, purchase ¥¤d¤5¤¤ i¤ Utah of agricultural implements and stock cattle, and for the erection of °”‘°°'·"° houses, &c., including the necessary travelling expenses of the superintendent of Indian ahairs, agents, clerk hire, &c., forty-five thousand dollars. For salary of one superintending agent for the northern district of the $.;,,7 of ,,,_ Indian service in California from twenty-eighth of June, eighteen hundred pcrinteuding andsixty, when he entered on his duties, to thirtieth of June, eighteen s?;';;`? :?"g£ hundred and sixty-one, per act of nineteenth of June, eighteen hundred tomia