Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/302

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272 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12, 13. 1861. the Bscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty- two, viz.: Stem or sail- For purchase or construction of steam or sailing revenue cutters, equip-

y._'°'°°”°°'“· ping the same, and expenses connected therewith, four hundred and nity

th usand dollars. Bepairbridgeo, 0Fer repair of the Potomac, Navy Yard, and upper bridges, had the &°· roads appurteuant thereto, ten thousand dollars. _ Repairs ofcap- For annual repairs of the Capitol water-closets, public stables, water- ’°°l‘ pipes, broken glass, and lioclés, on: thougnud dollars}. d d d H Fu 1. For fuel, in part, c t c residentfs ouse mx un re dollars. Exzcutive For contingent expenses of the executive oihee, including stationery °m°°· therefor, one thousand dollars. S20. 2. And be ft further enacted, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, in like manner: wgsmiign inner- la For contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, twenty thousand dolrs. For eoutingent expenses of all the missions abroad, twenty-ive thousand dollars. Publiwivu of For publication in pamphlet form and in the newspapers of the States L""' and Territories the laws of the first session of the Thirty-seventh Cougress, nine thousandtdollars, or so much thereof as maylbe necessary. Arrcnrggesrivr Sue. 3. And be at further enacted, That the following sums be, and Y"' °"d'°g ““° the same are hereby appropriated, in like manner, for the year ending the m' lss]" _ thirdeth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty·0ne: m]j·E:·*’¤8 C¤P*· For lighting the Capitol and Presidentfs House, the public grounds around them, and around the executive o&ices, eight thousand dollars. Exwuuveomm _ For contingent expenses of the executive office, including stationery therefor, four hundred dollars. wedzgrrydimkiua Sec. 4. And be it further meatsé That the proper accounting officers wml wm of the Treasury are hereby directed to allow to Asbury Dickens, late ' Secretary of the Senate, in the settlement of his accounts, credit for a payment to Mrs. E. A. Richardson, of four hundred dollars, under a resolution of the Senate of the second of Merch, one thousand eight hundred an sixty-one. Am·n0vm>, July 24, 1861. hl! 24; 1861- CHAP. XII. —An Act In Relation to forwarding SoH£er;’ Letter;. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse ey" Representatives of the United wmgxging Sftater of America in Congress assembled, That all prepaid letters to sol- ‘°""°“· si $22 2”Z°*.f?`v'?E(§?£LZ*§°§£5Zi§Zr‘I$ $£Z}}.2§Z°S.§‘“»,f?.,?3Z$£°$€;° . r ‘ ever practicable, to any other point to which they may have been ordered, wsihout further charge thereon. rnxovmn, July 24, 1861. July M, 1861. Cnr. XIII. ··-An Act to provide for the temporary Increase of the Navy. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Anrerica in Congress assembled, That for and during the pres- •y,,,,p,,my im ent insurrection the Secretary of the Navy shall be, and he is hereby, auuuu at mvy. thorized tc hu-e, purchase, or contract for such vessels as may be necessary for the temporary increase of the navy of the United States, and he is also hereby authorized to furnish any vessel or vessels which may be pur— chased or contracted for, with such ordinance, ordnance stores, and munimms of war, as may be necessary to enable such vessel or vessels to rengertghehgnost eihcéeint service, gzrsuant to the orders which may be gw n rr respe ve comman rs. ?`°•¤P¤f •D- S20. 2. And be it further enacted, That the tem over a intments ’°"‘l°‘°“°:rKY made, or which may he made, by the Secretary of like giavlyigf acting