Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/307

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THIRTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 22. 1861. 277 Jitminr Department.-~For compiling and supervising the publication I¤*¤fi<>f D¤· of the Biennial Register, per act of March third, [second] eighteen hun- Rcgiy dred and sixty-one, five hundred dollars. ter. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to supply such newly created }861»§*;587• Oiiices as are entitled thereto with toll sets of the Statutes at Large, and °"§,,l€[,,c,, gt to replace those once furnished to old officers which have since been un- Large. avoidably lost or destroyed, two thousand dollars. For salaries of Eve clerks of class three, eleven clerks of class two, and Clerks. four clerks of class one, per acts of April twenty-second and May thirty- 1854, ch. 52, first, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, twenty-eight thousand two hundred °h· °°· - dollars. 29goL x. pp. 2:6, For compensation of eight additional night watchmen for the Depart- lV¤©¢l¤¤€¤· ment of the Interior, at a salary of six hundred dollars each per annum, four thousand eight hundred dollars. Surve3y0rs·GeneraI.—For compensation of the surveyongeneral of the Surveyors-Gem Territory of Colorado, three thousand six hundred and nine dollars and °"l· eighty-nine cents. For compensation of the surveyor-general of the Territory of Nevada, three thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of the Territory of Dakota, two thousand one hundred and nfteen dollars and thirty-eight cents. Ovitltitgent Expenses of the War Department.- War Depart- Otlice of the Secretary of War: mm"' For the purpose of increasing temporarily the clerical force and mes- Additiousi sengers in the War Department and its bureaus, as follows, viz. : °]°rkS‘ In the office of the Secretary of War, one clerk of the first class, two ta Om" °f Sm"` of the second, two of the third, and one of the fourth, and two assistant ry' messengers, at an annual salary of eight hundred and forty dollars each. In the office of the Quartermaster-General, five clerks of the first class, Quartermastes two of the second, two of the third, and one of the fourth, and two assist- G€“°”·l‘ ant messengers, at an annual salary of eight hundred and forty dollars each. In the oflioe of the Commissary-General, three clerks of the first class G C°m*;¤l=5¤*‘>’· and two of the second. €§;ae`°n_Gw_ In the office of Surgeon-Genera], one clerk of the third class. grab g In the office of the Paymaster-General, three clerks of the second class paymasm. and three of the third. G°’““'”l· In the Bureau of Topographical Engineers, two clerks of the third Topographical class` Engineers. In the Ordnance Bureau, two clerks of the first class; forty-eight thou- Ordnance. sand seven hundred and sixty dollars. And the Adjutant-General is authorized to employ in his ofiiee any Adjutant_Q8H_ number, not exceeding ten, of nomcommissioned officers, to be selected by eralhim from the army, in addition to his present clerical force. For blank-books, stationery, binding, labor, and miscellaneous items, Blank-books, two thousand dollars. &°‘ Oilice of the Adjutant-General: For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Office of the Paymaster-General: For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. Oiiice of the Surgeon-General: For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. Office of the Colonel of Ordnance: For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred dollars.