Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/353

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 62. 1861. 323 form all the duties of the patrolmen of the standing police Force of the District. And such special patrol shall wear an emblem, to be presented by Badge. the police commissioners. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That no member of the police Resignation of force, under penalty of forfeiting the pay which may be due to him, P°h°°“*°”· shall withdraw or resign from the police force, unless he shall have given one month’s notice thereof; in writing, to the superintendent of police; and no person who shall ever have been removed from the police force established by this act, for cause, shall be reappointed by the board of Who mey not police to any office in the said police force. b° '“PP°’¤*°d- Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That all stoleh property taken by C¤S*<>dY of the members of the police force shall be kept in a place and by zi person mlm pr°pmy’ to be designated by the board of police. Every such article of property shall be entered in a book kept for the purpose, together with the name of the owner, if ascertained, and the name of the place where found, and of the person from whom taken, with the general circumstances, and the date of its receipt, and the name of the officer recovering the same. The General comboard of police shall also cause to be kept general complaint books, in Plam l’°°k·"· which shall be entered every complaint preferred upon personal knowledge of the circumstances thereof, with the name and residence of the complainant. It shall also cause to be kept books of registry of lost, miss- Reggmy Oflosf, ing, or stolen property, for the general convenience of the public and of Src., p¤‘<>P¢¤>‘· the police of the district. It shall also cause to be kept books of records Records of po. of the police, wherein shall be entered the name of every member of the lice °°“l"”*S· police force, with his time and place of nativity, and the time when he became a citizen if he was born out of the United States; his age ; his former occupation; number and residence of family; the date of appointment or dismissal from office, with the cause of the latter. And in every such record sufficient space shall be left against all such entries, wherein to make record of the number of arrests made by such member of the police force, or of any special services deemed meritorious by the commissioner. It shall also cause to be kept in proper books the accounts of the treas— Trmumh M_ urer of the board, and number of the several meetings thereof, and all count. receipts of moneys, or warrants or checks for moneys, shall be written in books kept for the purpose, and the said receipts signed by the person or persons in every case receiving money, warrants, or checks from the treasurer. All such books shall be, at all business hours, and when not B°°;f °°bE° in actual use, open to public inspection. The board of police shall also iggsemofu ° cause to be kept and bound all police returns and reports of the dis- Police reports meh and returns. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the _ Citiesofwesh common councils of the cities of Washington and Georgetown to provide E§;’“etg;‘£x to at the expense of said cities, respectively, all necessary accommodations ,-0v§;e Station. within their respective limits, for the station-houses required by the board houses, &¤· of police, for the accommodation of the police force, for the lodging of vagrants and disorderly persons, and for the temporary detention of per- Sons arrested for ofences, and the same suitably to warm and light. In P __ _ msc the said common councils, or either of them, neglect or refuse to do caS8r°£;x°gt;n so, after having been thereto requested by the board of police, then the councils neglect said board may make their own provisions in the premises, and the same, °’ “"f“" ”°“’d° when made, shall become a proper charge and debt for the expenses and disbursements thereof against the said city or cities whose common councils have so neglected or refused to make provision as aforesaid. SBC., 16. And be it fmt/wr enacted, That in every case of arrest, the In cases of ar $31116 gllall be made known within six hours thereafter to the sergeant of r°"“ of police on duty in the precinct in which the arrest is made, by the person making the same; and it shall be the duty of the said sergeant of police, within twelve hours after such notice, to make written return thereof; according to the rules and regulations of the board of police,