Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/366

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386 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 17. 1862. Kingston (Jamaica), Leeds, Manchester, Nassau (New Providence), Southampton, Turk’s Island, Prince Edward s Island, Havre, Paris, Marseilles, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Lyons, Moscow, Odessa, Bevel, St. Petersburgh, Matanzas, Trinidad de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba,. San Juan (Porto Rico), Cadiz, Malaga, Ponce (Porto Rico), Trieste, LVICHDR, A1x· la-Chapelle, Canton, Shanghai, Igpuchcbu, Amoy, lgangp}p,lBe;rut,tSmyérna, Jer salem Rotterdam mster m n werp unc a por o, amt Thdlmas, Blsineur, Genoa, Basle, Geneva, Messina,' Naples,'Paler¤no, Leipsic, Munich, Leghorn, Stuttgardt, Bremen, Hamburg, Tangiers, Tripoli, Tunis, Rio de JAaneiro,SPex;;namb:l1cp,SVeraX Cruz,l.{&c;pu1co, Clallao, _ Val ara'~o Buenos yres an uan e ur spmwa anama anuayrsi), Hdnblulu, Lal1aina,’Capetown, Falklahd Islands,’Venice, Stetan, Candia, Cyprus, Batavia, Fayal, Santiago (Cape de Verdes), Saint Croix, Spezzia, Athens, Zanzibar, Bahia, Maranham Island, Para, Rio Grande, Matamoras, Mexico (city), Tampico, Paso del Norte, Tabasco, Iéanta, 'I.IG[1mbez,dTalr&al;1uan¢;§ Caréhpgenz, isbandlo, tO1noabGuayagu11, bija, ontevi eo a iti, ay o s an s pia an a a ms o ardit}, Malta, St. Johxi (Newfoundland), St. Jbhn (New- Brunswick), Picton (Nova Scotia)iqLa Uinokp, Bzgbadoegs, Berfmlpda, tgntiguéi, Nangés, (Napoleon Vendee ice is on otten urv, e nan pee, an s . a e- rine, Balizcé GaspeBBasin,gValep)cia, Por}; Mgpon, liéartilpzqde, gajanto, Santander alatz ibao cio aramari o acao oc o m cona Otranto, Swatow, ,La Pai, Beigen, Trinidad Barcelona, Quebec, Mari: canbo, Algiers, Port au Prince, San Domingo (city), Monrovia, Cape Haytien, Aux Cayes, and New Castle-upon-Tyne; Commercial Agents at San Juan del Norte, St. Paul de Loanda (Angola), Gaboon, St. Mlarc, Curagoa and Amoor River three hundred and fifty-one thousand five undred and fifty dollars. Anil the salary of the Consul at Bremen shall be $**3 °f O°“' three thousand dollars, to commence on the first day of January, eighteen ml °° r°m°°’ hundred and sixty-two; and the Consul at Pictou (Nova Scotia) shall MPi<=¤>¤. receive a salary of fifteen hundred dollars, to commence on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two; and the salary of the Conat Swntow, sul at Swatow shall be thirty-five hundred dollars, to commence on the twenty-first day of September eighteen hundred and ~ixty; and the at Port Mnlwm Constil at Port Mahon shall recbive? a salary of fifteen hundred dollars: 0¤¤¤¤l¤f of5i Provided, That all consular officers whose respective salaries exceed one

§;°,,`;l;°;if$';'{,(?6 thousand dollars per annum shall be subject to the provisions of the fifth

not to engage in section of the act to regulate the diplomatic and consular systems of the

°*“m° busi' United States, approved August eighteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-six;

185,,;c;,_1g-;’§5_ and their respective Consulates shall be included in schedule B, of the Vol-¤¢i·p·55· list of salaried Consulates: And provided further, That no appointments P"°"'iS°‘ of Consuls shall hereafter be made, nor the compensation of Consuls 1861,ch-8§· raised, under the act of August two, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, A'"°·l"2B°‘ except to the places herein mentioned. And the Consul at New Castle- §¤lt¤’i5_( °f %°¤· upon-Tyne·shall receive a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum,

i;_u:,0n_·i·`;nc?°` commencing on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.

Cgirgfrprctcrs in Igor Interpreters to the Consulates in China, four thousand five hun- · dre dollars. Marshals in For salaries of the marshals for the Consular Courts in Japan, China, U°°““l'*' C°*“""· Siam, and Turkey, seven thousand dollars. Prisons in Ja- For rent of prisons for American convicts in Japan, China, Siam, and P¤¤¤&°· ifurkey, and for wages of the keepers of the same, nine thousand dollars. Appmpdation SBC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be and the "°" ’·*’62· same areJhereby appropriated for the service of the year ending - the thirtieth une eighteen hundred and sixty-two namely: Increwd p¤y For comperisation and increased salaries to simdry Consuls, under the zzgnm C"' act of second August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, fifty-four thousand one hundred and eleven dollars and ninety-seven cents.