8 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 10. 1860. For first of twenty instahnents for the establishment and support of two s[c]hools, one of which is to be an agricultural and industrial school; erecting the necessary buildings, keeping. them in repair, and for providing sugtable fupnitureil botpllxsé and sgfat1opery,hper fgth argcle trieaty eleventh une, eig teen un e an ty- ve, t ree thousand two 1undred•dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of teaching, and two teachers, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand two hundred dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the building of two blacl·:smiths’ shops, to one of which shall be attached a tinsmith’s shop, and to the other a gunsmith’s shop, one carpenter’s shop, and one wagon and ploughmaker’s shop, and for- furnishing the necessary tools, per fifth article geagy egegipth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand tive un re dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of farming, and two farmers, two millers, two blacksmiths, one tmner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plough—maker, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six thousand four hundred dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the erection of one saw-mill and one flouring-mill, and furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fiftydive, nine thousand dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the erection of a hospital and providing the necessary medicines and furniture, per fifth article treaty glciyenth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand two hundred o ars. For first of twenty instalments for the pay of a physician, per fifth gracle treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand o ars. For first of twenty instalments for the erection of buildings required fgr tlile uge df the Egpbyeeiil per fifth argcés trlpatyi elgvjmih June, eighen un re an y- ve, reethousand ve un re dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the salary of such person as the tribe may select to be their head chief, per fifth article treaty eleventh dune, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. th For buildigg for paid lphief a feomfortable house and properly furnishing e. same, an to p oug and ence for him five acres of land per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred and fifty dollars. Jlathegdg and Flatheads and other Oonjedercded tribes.-For first instalment on one
- mg”t;5;‘6:· °"‘ pundrgd land twenty thousand dollars for beneficial objects, at the discre-
Pm P. 976- um 0 the President, per fourth article treaty sixteenth June, [July] ’ eighteen hundred and fifty-five, thirty-six thousand dollars. For Hrs; of twenty instalments for an agricultural and industrial school, erecting tie necessary buildinvs and providing them with furniture bpoks, and stationery, per fifth hrticle treaty gixteenth June, [July] eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand four hundred dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the employment of suitable instructgig; lg; {gig?1;1;)t£EH$rp:ty;ixgaep1tlé.[um, [July] eighteen hundred and ‘ , 0 un re dollars. whidlr gigztilofé) twentyilixéstalments for fixrnishing one blacksmith’s shop, to V wa d le ahac e a tin and gun shop, one carpenter’s shop, one Hmgon dp] p oug makers shop, and furnishing the necessary tools, per HW 2; gc 31 Otlpppgyi ggltleiexgth [fuly] eighteen hundred and fifty- s UU 8 0 BPS. For first of twenty instalments for the employment of two farmers, one blacksmith, one tmner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, two millers, and one