Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/387

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41. 1862. 357 For miscellaneous items, thirty thousand dollars. M*’°°“°“°°“'· For newspapers, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. NewsP¤P°”· For pages and temporary mail boys, four thousand eight hundred P¤s¢¤- dollars. For reporting proceedings in the Daily Globe for the second regular Reporting. session of the Thirty-seventh Congress, at seven dollars and fifty cents per column, eight thousand dollars. For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the House for the Congressional Globe for reporting the proceedings of the House for the second regular session of the Thirty-seventh Congress, eight hundred dollars each, four thousand dollars. Liorary of Congress. ——— For compensation of librarian, three assistant Library of Conlibrarians, messenger, and laborers, ten thousand dollars. g"°“‘ For contingent expenses of said library, one thousand dollars. For purchase of books for said library, five thousand dollars. For purchase of law books for said library, two thousand dollars. Public Printing.-For compensation of the Superintendent of Pub- public printing lic Printing, and the clerks and messenger in his office, nine thousand seven hupdred and fourteen dollars. For contingent expenses of his office, viz. : For blank-books, stationery, postage, advertising for proposals for paper, furniture, travelling expenses, cartage and labor in storing and transportation of paper, and miscellaneous items, two thousand seven hundred dollars. For the public printing, one hundred and twenty-Eve thousand four hundred and eighty-four dollars and fifty-two cents. For paper for the public printing, one hundred and eighty-three thou- Paper for pub. sand Eve hundred and sixty-nine dollars. liv PFi¤¤¤€- For lithographing and engraving, viz: Senate, forty thousand dollars ; Lithographing House of Representatives, fifty thousand dollars; making ninety thousand &°· dollars. For the public binding, two hundred and twenty-six thousand eight Binding. hundred and forty dollars and seventy-tive cents. Court of Claims. — For salaries of three judges of the Court of Claims, Conrtot‘C1aims. the solicitor, assistant solicitor, deputy solicitor, clerk and assistant clerk, and messenger thereof; twenty-seven thousand three hundred dollars. Executive. —— For compensation of the President of the United States, Executive. twenty-five thousand dollars. For compensation of the Vice-President of the United States, eight thousand dollars. For compensation of secretary to sign patents for lands, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. For compensation to the private secretary, steward, and messenger of the President of the United States, four thousand six hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Executive office, including stationery therefor, one thousand dollars. Department of State.-——For compensation of the Secretary of State stm Depart. and Assistant Secretary of State, clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, ¤°¤*· and laborers in his office, fifty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. For the Incidental and Contingent Expenses of said Department. — For Contingencies. losses on drafts of consuls, marshals of the United States, consular- courts, and interpreters, for the period ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, ten thousand dollars. For rent of prison, wages of keepers of the same, and care of offenders at Amoy, from July nrst, eighteen hundred and sixty, to June thirtieth, 1860, ch. 179, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in pursuance of the provisions_ of the W5- act approved June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty, the sum -*W¢. D- 77- of eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and twenty-seven cents. For publishing the laws in pamphlet form, and in newspapers of the Lawn-