Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/394

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864 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41. 1862. Southwest Ex- For contingent expenses of said building, viz.: mtive B¤i1¤i¤s- For labor, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, four thousand four hun. d ed d ll . pm, 0,35,,6 Ds. YP0s? 5E0e Department.-·Fo1' compellsaflou 0l`tl16 Postmaster Gan- P¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤- eral, three Assistant Postmastcrs General, and the. clerks, messenger, assistant messengers, watchmen, and laborers of said department, one hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty dollars, Addmom For compensation of twenty-five additional clerks, to be appointed by clerks. the Postmaster General under the second section of the act entitled "An ,8 2 ,1 8 act to promote the efficiency of the dead letter office," approved January anto,6pi gee.twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, twenty thousand dollars, contingsudss Oomfingmt Eopenses of the Post Office Department. — For blank books, of Post ODM binding, and stationery, fuel for the General Post Office building, includ- D°P““`°'"°“°‘ ing the Auditor’s office, oil, gas, and candles, printing; repairs of the General Post Office building, office furniguxie, glazing, pgintirfrg, whit? washing, and for keeping the fireplaces an urnaces m or er, or watc — e 'neer for steam engine,) laborers, repairs of furniture, and for mhldizllgdiaous itgms, thirty thousand dollzpsil F 1 f h d php;. M'nt the United States at Plziladep ia.- or sa aries o the i- hlgilbiln rectoi, trgsurer, assayer, melter, and retiner, chief coiner and engraver, assistant assayer, assistant melter and retiner, and seven clerks, twenty- seven thousand nine hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and eleven thousand eight hundred dollars. _ For incidental and contingent expenses, including repairs and wastave, fifty thousand dollars. _ G For specimens of ores and coins to be preserved in the cabinet at the mint, three hundred dollars. _ For transportation of bullion from New York assay officc to the United States mint for coinage, twenty thousand dollars. Sm Francisco. At San Francisco, Ualifomia. -— For salaries of superintendent, treas- UNI', assayer, melter and refiner, coiner, and six clerks, thirty thousand five hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and five thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, forty-five thousand and forty dollars. Am Omc°’ Assay Office, Mw Ybrk.—For salaries of officers and clerks, twenty- New Ybrk. four thousand nine hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, forty thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, in addition to other available means, thirty-five thousand dollars. tgogzippppppg in G0vnRNmcN·.rs IN TERRITORIES. Now Maxim; Ibrritory of New 1lkxico.—For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty p,·,,ym_ thousand dollars: Provided, That five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used to revise and print the laws of New Mexico. Utah. fhrriteivy oy; Eor salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary twe vethousand dollars. d Ear contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred 0 ars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative as-