Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/399

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41, 43, 44. 1862. 369 thirtietb of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, so much of the ap- ¤¤>'%» &€··*`°* pmpriation of second of March, eighteen hundred and sixty»one, as he may deem expedient and proper. not exceeding in the whole ten thousand slave trade. dollars, for oompensation to the United States marshals, district attorneys, and other persons employed in enforcing the laws for the suppression of the slave trade, for any services they may render, and for which no allow- 1861, eh. S4, § 1. ance is otherwise provided for by law. ·"”‘°» P· 21** Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the Grst day Colorado and of July next, and until otherwise ordered by the President, the Territories Uhh *° make of Utah and Colorado shall constitute one surveying district; and the g?§g:;v°ymg duties of surveyor general in said district shall be performed by the sur— veyor general of Colorado; and the surveying district of Nevada shall be _Ne»-ans ¢lis~ united to that of California, the duties of the surveyor general of the g;_‘{§f:;f:dl° former shall be performed by the surveyor general of California; and the l transfer of the effects and archives of the said offices shall be made under the instruction of the Commissioner of the General Land Oifice. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General be, Post Omesand and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to carry into effect the pro- gg§?d§°‘,;‘l:‘“ visions heretofore made by law for refitting and repairing in the city of P ` Philadelphia the building now owned by the United States, on Chestnut street, For the use of a post office and the holding of the United States courts in said city: Provided, nevertheless, That the whole expense of qos; said alterations and improvements shall not exceed in cost the unexpended balance heretofore appropriated by law for that purpose. S20. 6. And be it further enacted, That the President shall appoint in Assistant ssc. the Department of the Interior, by and with the advice and consent of ;°“*".Y °f *h° the Senate, a. competent person, who shall be called the Assistant Seere- um""' tary of the Interior, whose salary shall be three thousand dollars, payable $,,;,,,7 and in the same manner as the salary of the Secretary of the Interior, who dutiesshall perform such duties in the Department of the Interior as shall be prescribed by the Secretary, or may be required by law, and who shall Post, p. 534. act as the Secretary of the Interior in the absence of that officer. APPROVED, March 14, 1862. _ CHAP. XLIII. -An Act for G joint Commission for the Preservation of the Atlantic March 15, 1862. Fic/zerfes. “'”"`°"' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives J the United States of Amerefca in Congress assembled, That the President of the United C¤m¤¤i¤¤i<>¤ to . . · · · preserve Atlantic States xs hereby authorized to appoint a commissioner, to meet such com- fisheries_ missioner as may be appointed on the part of Great Britain, and also one on the part of France, together to form a joint commission to frame measures to protect the fisheries oh" the coast of Newfoundland and North America against deterioration and destruction by means of set lines on the spawn banks, and like destructive practices. Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, That, to enable the President to Appmprmiom carry’into effect this act, the sum of three thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 15, 1862. CHAP. XLIV.—An Act to amend “An Act to incorporate the Columbia Institution for March 15, 1862. Ute Instructebn of llae Deaf and Dumb and the Blind," and to make Appropriations for h 46

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represenlatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of four thousand Columbia Instifour hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly, shall be allowed For ;;‘g°§;‘;bD?§_ the payment of salaries and incidental expenses of said institution; and ’ Von. Xu. PUB.--47