890 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 73. 1862. This act my Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That this act may at any time be b° iwgggad °r altered, amended, or repealed by the Congress of the United States. mgcrgémtn Sm. 7. And but funthm· enacted, That nothing in this act shall be S0 cannot issuem construed as to authorize said fne1dy)e0r[;)orate $0 issue any note, token, “° °’·’°“¥’• · device scrip or other evidence 0 e tto e use as a. currency. ”<§:ni€;i?y`Ps» Sec;. 8. ind be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said com— P value vfshmsr pany shall be not less than three nor more than five hundred thousand dollars, and that the stock shall be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, Stock, how and shall be deemed personal property transferable IH such manner as
- f¤¤¤!`¤¥¤bi¤· the by-laws of said company may dérereté h .d han 1
Fi Im Sec. 9. And be it further enacte at the said company s p ace to by cm first-class cars on said railways, with,all the modern improvements for the conzlenience feud comfort ofapassengers, and shidi nin ga:-s thelreonddbering the ay as officen as every ve minutes, excep as 0 even an our- · _ teenth streets and on these once in fifteen minutes each way, and until Times of run r _ ning. twelve 0’ci0ck at mght as often as every half hour; and throughout day and night as much oftener as public convenience may require. pus _ Sec. 10. Ami be it further enacted That said company shall procure r¤cms,c§g;<its, such passenger rooms, ticket offices, stcbles, and depots at such points as &°‘ the business of the railroad and the convenience of the public may re- Tmks by quire. And the said company is hereby authorized to lay such reiis twun subm md through transverse or other streets as may be necessary for the exclusive depots- purpose of connecting the said stables and depots with the main tracks. And the said company is hereby authorized to purchase or lease such blg*S?'é‘;;:€s,“é*j;_ Igds ormiiiiildingsl gs mgy Se necessciry fgr the passenger rooms, ticket 0 ces s es an epo a ove men ume . Articles of va;. SE(i. 11. And be it further enacted, That all articles of value that may ue mt in cm. be inadvertently left in any df the cars or other vehicles of the said company shall be taken to their principal depot and entered in a. book of record of unclaimed goods, which book shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable hours of business. Government Sec. 12. And be it jhrtber enacted That said corporation shall on demYh:':'g°;:“ mand of the President of the United, States, Secretary of War, O1: Secremgm tary of the Ifhvy, cause to be transported ever said railway any freight cars laden with freight for the use of the United States; the 0mC81'B caus- Pay therefor. iuv such service to be done shall pay a. reasonable compensation therefor. Book; of mb. USec. 13. And be it further enacted, That within five days after the pas- ¤¤¥iv*·i3¤} ¤)db¤ sage of this act the corporators named in the first section, or a. majority (jg;,';?;; °° of ihgm, 0; any refgsekor réeglsxt eofacb, tghe; a me_g;>fitym;>l:` die mam er s a ‘cause 00 s 0 su scmp non e cap; s 0 sax company to be opened and kept open, in some convenient and accessible piece in the city of Washington, from nine o’clock in the fcreucon till five oclock in the afternoon for u period to be fixed by said eorporators not less than two days, and said corpuramrs shall give public notice, by miver- Mvmmmmt tisement: in the daily papers published in the city of Washington, of the time when and the place where said books shall be opened, and subscribers upon said books to ihe capital stock of the company shall be held to Subscription m be stockholders: Provided, That every subscriber shall pay at the time b;‘¤‘¤Ut;¤ghV°id of subscribing twenty-five per ceutum of the amount by him subscribed g`,e°°°pm. w:'!` is to the treasurer appointed by the corporators, or his subscription shall be paid qt gims of null and void.. If at the end of two days u. larger amount than the capi- °" °°"P*'°°· tal stock of said company shall have been subscribed, the books shall be closed, and the said corpomtors named in the first section shall forthwith Appmmmm Erxlelceecgkto apgertion slid cgpitalf nleck amgng tfiie}-‘subscriSe;—: gn; rat:, oesmg, m e pu 10 proc maion 0 e num er o s ares a 0 e can wihicg shall be done and completed on the same day that the books are Whey to bare- c cse : Prom'ded, jiortlaer That nothing shall be received in payment of
- 2;* {
- g';ty_ the twenty-five per centuin at the time of subscribing except money or
gy,p,,cm, checks or oemhcates of deposit endorsed “ good " by the president or