Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/440

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410 THIRTY—-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 86, 90. 1862 S¢¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤ Sec. 7. And be it further mactezl, That in regard to settlements which m°&mm°y°d by existing laws are authorized in certain States and Territories upon · · unsurve ed lands, which privilege is hereby extended to California, the California. y . . . preemption claimant shall be, and is hereby, in all cases, required, fiom mdmw and after the first day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, w m_mmmt_ ry file his declaratory statfmgntgithiuf tlgree monthsé Prem tue hdate of Lhe recei t at the district- an 0 ce 0 the approve p at 0 the towns i Mm,,;; buds cmbrgcing such preemption settlement: .Pr0vivZcd, The provisions of thi}; exempted; section shall not be held to authorize preemption and settlement of mineral lands which are hereb exem ted from the provisions of this act. S¤rv§y¤¤‘£¤¤· Sn,c. 8. And be it gurthrr Enacted, That from and afier the first day fgsltgfufz rg; of July next, and until otherwise ordered by the President, the duties of immnd receiver. the register and receiver of New Mexico shall be transferred to and de- S.-, in other volve upon the surveyor general of that Territory, and it shall and may districts- be lawful for the President, in like manner, to transfer the dunes cf register and receiver in any district to the surveyor general where the ublic interest ma re uire such transfer. Salaries of SHP- P Sec. 9. And bezit fzgrther enacted, That from and after the Erst day of §gi(i‘;sn5:?e3:e?f July next the salary of the surveyor general of California shall not exgun, Washing- coed three thousand dollars per annum, and [the] salaries of the surveyor 3*% UNH N°"·’ general of Oregon and Washington shall non exceed two thousand Eve ` hundred dollars each per annum, and should the surveying districts of Utah and Nevada be hereafter established by order of the President, each as an independent district, the salaries of the surveyor general shall not exceed three thousand dollars each for said districts. S°**l9*• i¤ Sec. 10. And be it jiulker enacted, That when the settlers in any

g=’;¤¤;;·.5,;;T township or townships, not mineral or reserved' by Government, shall

there0fwhe¤,&c. desire a survey made of the same, under the authority of the surveyor general of the United States, and shall file an application therefor in writing, and deposit in a proper United States depository, to the credit 0f the United States, a sum suEcient to pay for such survey, together with all expenses incident thereto, without cost or claim for indemnity on the United States, it shall and may be lawful for said surveyor general, under such instructions as may be given him by the Commissioner of the General Land (lice, and in accordance with existing laws and instructions, to survey such township or townships, and make return thereof to Preview- the general and proper local land officez Provided, The townships so proposed to be surveyed are within the range of the regular progress of the public surveys embraced by existing standard lines or bases for the township and subdivisions! surveys. Arvnovxcn, May 30, 1862. June 2, 1862. Cnr. XC.—An Act for the Survey of Grants or Claims of Land. Be it enacted ky the &m1¢e and fbuse of Representatives of the United wgwgg 2:::; States of America in Congress aseemlgled, That all claims or grants of or emma, when land in any of the States or Territories of the United States, derived mbemude. from any foreign country or Government, shall be surveyed under the direction of the proper officers of the Government of the United States upon the application of the parties claiming or owning the same, and at their expense, which shall be paid or secured to the satisfaction of the _ _ _Secremry of the Interior before the work shall be performed; but nothing °fI;‘u“l_‘;;;n¥é°£* in the law requiring the executive officers to survey land claimed or gmx granted under any laws of the United States shall be construed either to authorize such officers to peas upon the validity of the titles granted Emm of mm by or under such laws, or to give any greater effect to the surveys made of survey or PP by diem than to make such surveys prime? facie evidence of the true mg, location of the land claimed or granted, nor shall any such grant be