Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/451

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 95, 96. 1862. 421 From Brownsville, via Falls City, to Highland, Kansas. From Falls City to Hiawatha, Brown county, Kansas. From Brownsville, via Monterey and Franklin, Long Branch Post Otiice to Table Rock. Frdm Nebraska City, via St. Frederick and McClure’s, to Table Rock. From Plattsmouth, via Glendale, Fountain Station, Salt Creek, Lake Station, Burnhill’s, McCabe Station, M[cFarland's, O’Donncll’s, Brackett’s, Big Martin’s, Bissell, Mabine, and Junction City, to Fort Kearney. NEW MEXICO. New Mexico From Taos to Cimmaron. From Abiqui to Garland.


From Carson City to Virginia City. From Carson City to Aurora. From Dayton to Humboldt. UTAH. Utah_ From Springville, via Fairview and Mount Pleasant, to Springtown. From Toquerville, via Pocketville and Grafton, to Adventure. , From Virgin City, via Grafton, to Rockville. From Denver City, Colorado Territory, to Provo, Utah Territory. WASHINGTON. W,_sh5Dgt0n_ From lValla—Walla to Pierce City and Oritino, via Lewiston. From Seattle to Snohomish. From Walla-Walla, via Lewiston and Pierce City, to Elk City. From Walla-Walla via Antoine Plantes and the Coeur d’Alene Mission, to Hell Gate. From Lewiston to Florence City. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General is Teminiof gx_ hereby authorized to change the terminus of existing mail routes con- fgfing ,,m;imui,.S necting with or intersecting railroads when the postal service can be ?¤gg21b§z§h¤¤¤s¢d thereby improved. V ’ ’ Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General be Salaries cfs . . . . peand he is hereby authorized to fix the salaries of special agents of the cia] agents, Post Office Department, employed on temporary service, at any sum less than the amount designated for such service by law. Approved, June 2, 1862. Cru?. XCVI.— An Act to authorize the ‘President of the United States to appoint June 5, 1g6g_ Dzplomatic Representatives to the Republics of Hayti and Liberia, respectively. ·—;·i· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United Diplomatic States be, and he hereby is authorized, by and with the advice and con- fgpgfjggtignes sent of the Senate, to appoint diplomatic representatives of the United LM,-;,,_ States to the Republics of Hayti and Liberia, respectively. Each of the said representatives so appointed shall be accredited as commissioner and consul-general, and shall receive the compensation of commissioners Rank and pay. according to the act of Congress approved August eighteen, eighteen 1856, ch.127. hundred and fifty-six: Provided, That the annual compensation of the V‘}§0§’·pI?·5gi; representative at Liberia shall not exceed four thousand dollars. ’ Approved, June 5, 1862.