Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/460

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430 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 102, 103. 1862. P¤¤¤i¢Y*>¤{¤Y respect to the drawing of jurors, he shall be deemed guilty of a misde. {;“§;‘:,,fg$;T°“ meanor, and shall be punished by a line of not less than one hundred rm. dollars, and be imprisoned in the county jail not less than sixty days, for each and every ofenee. Persons noti- Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That if any person selected as a dm *° ‘°“"° “? juror and duly notified to attend according to the requirements of this ilguxzgggigcwg act, shall, without sufficient cause, neglect to attend agreeably to such ined. ’ notice, he shall be fined by the court in a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for every day he shall be absent during the sitting of said court. Names on lists Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the names on the lists speci-

  • ° l’° “;i‘°“‘;.‘ d“° fied in the second section of this act shall be selected, as near as may be,

ggggilagdgfm from among the citizens of the several wards of the cities of Washington &¤· and Georgetown, and the three divisions of the county of \Vashington outside the limits of said cities formed by the Eastern branch of the Potomac River and Rock Creek, in proportion to the number of taxable inhabitants residing in said wards and districts, respectively. APPROVED, June 16, 1862. ·l¤¤° 17¤1862· Cmur. CHI.-—An Act dqining additional Causes of Challenge and prescribing an addi- "`_`_"_"" tional Oath for Grand and Petit Jururs in the (/United States Courts. Addi*;°¤;ll Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United f;:_,;S°°;· ,5.,,::,,} States of America in Congress assembled, That, in addition to the existand petitjurors ing causes of disqualification and challenge of grand and petit jurors in g'"" U“‘°°d the courts of the United States, the following are hereby declared and tutes courts. _ . . established, namely; without duress and coercion to have taken up arms, or to have joined any insurrection and rebellion, against the United States; to have adhered to any rebellion, giving it aid and comfort; to have given, directly or indirectly, any assistance in money, arms, horses, clothes, or any thing whatever, to or for the use or benefit of any person or persons whom the person Qving such assistance knew to have joined, or to be about to join, any insurrection or rebellion, or to have resisted, or to be about to resist with force of arms, the execution of the laws of the United States, or whom he had good ground to believe had joined, or was about to join, any insurrection or rebellion, or had resisted, or was about to resist, with force of arms, the execution of the laws of the United States, and to have counselled and advised any person or persons to join any insurrection and rebellion, or to resist with force of arms the laws of the United States. ‘_°f\<i;§;E>¤:L;>¤fh Sec. 2. Audie it further enacted, That at each and every term of any pm? jurors_ court of the United States, the district attorney, or other person acting for and on behaltlof the United States in said court, may move, and the court in their discretion may require the clerk to tender to each and every person who may be summoned to serve as a grand or petit juror or venireman or talesman in said court, the following oath or affirmation, viz: “ You do solemnly swear (or afiirm, as the case may be) that you will support the Constitution of the United States o{'Amcrics1; that you have not, without duress and constraint, taken up arms, or joined any insurrection or rebellion against the United States; that you have not adhered to any insurrection or rebellion, giving it aid and comfort; that you have not, directly or indirectly, given any assistance in money, or any other thing, to any person or persons whom you knew, or had good ground to believe, had joined, or was about to join, said insurrection and rebellion, or had resisted, or was about to resist, with force of arms, the execution ot' the laws of the United States; and that you have not counselled or advised any person or persons to join any rebellion against, or to resist Persons dcclin- with force of arms, the laws of the United States."Any person or persons Lzihighgracsgfjl declining to take said oath shall be discharged by the court fi-om serving OH °;,_.,,g,,d_ the grand or petit jury, or venire, to which he may have been summoned-