Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/48

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18 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 06. 1860. For expenses of the heating and veutilating apparatus, including pay of engineers, fireman, laborers, fuel, oil, tools, three thousand four hundred dollars. Contin ent ex- Contingent expenses of the House of Representative:.—For furniture, Emu °*`g°h° repairs, and boxes for members, ten thousand dollars. ‘ For horses, carriages, and saddle-horses, four thousand dollars. For stationery, six thousand dollars. For laborers, one thousand three hundred dollars. For folding documents, ten thousand dollars. For the compensation of the draughtsman and clerks employed on the land maps, clerks to committees, and temporary clerks in the office of the Emplogment House of Representatives, five thousand dollars: Provided, That from ggQ'5Q§k;*_;”~“ and after the thirtieth of June next all employment of draughtsman and ima maps to clerks upon land maps shall cease. °°¤¤¤. &°· For additional pages authorized by the House of Representatives, three thousand three hundred and forty-four dollars. For miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. For new carpet on the hall of the House of Representatives, four thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine dollars and six cents. For twenty-four copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix for each member and delegate of the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, thirty-four thousand eight hundred and forty-eight dollars. For binding twenty-four copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix for each member and delegate of the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, thirteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine dollars and twent cents. Fo; reporting debates of the iirst session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, twenty-three thousand dollars. For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the House and Senate for the Congressional Globe, for reporting the proceedings of the House and Senate for the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, eight hundred dollars each, seven thousand two hundred dollars. To supply deficiencies in the appropriations for printing, dry-pressing, inserting maps and plates, and binding documents ordered during the Thirty-third, Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, and Thirty-fifth Congresses, nineteen thousand three hundred and eighty-one dollars and ninety-eight cents. To supply the deficiency in the appropriation for paper required for thedpginting of the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, fifty thousan ollars. To supply the deiiciency in the appropriation for printing required for the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, forty thousand dollars. To provide for the blanks and other printing, and the paper for the sam(p,dr¢;l<p;~red preliminary to taking the eighth census, twenty-nine thousan o For payment of the unpaid expenses incurred in altering the arrangements of the hall of the House of Representatives, under the order of the House, three thousand seven hundred dollars; and the proper accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby directed to Asmnnor settle the accounts of Captain Meigs, late superintendent of the Capitol Egpbtgééw to extension, for his expenditures in altering the arrangements and seats of °° °the hall of the House of Representatives according to the order of the House, and paid by him, according to his vouchers, for such expenditures, not to exceed the sum of fourteen thousand three hundred and seventy-six dollars and ninety-seven cents. nopnrmmgqr flepartmmt of State.—For compensation to the interpreter to the Stgmsion to mission to Japan, from the first January to the thirtieth June, eighteen bpm hundred and sixty, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.