458 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Suss. II. Ch. 119. 1862. Sumstobe son who sells at retail confectionery, sweetmcats, comtits, or other con- K"'} f°'l’°°“'° fects, in any building, shall be regarded as a confcctioner under this act, y But wholesale and retail dealers having taken out a license therefor, shall not be required to take out a license as confectioner, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. Home-dealers. 22. Horse-dealers shall pay for each license the sum of ten dollars. Any person whose business it is to buy and sell horses or mules shall be regarded a horse·dealer under this act: Provided, That if such horsedealer shall have taken out a license as a livery·stable keeper no new license shall be required. Livery-stable 23. Livery-stable keepers shall pay ten dollars for each license. Any k°°P°”· person whose occupation or business is to keep horses for hire or to let shall be regarded as a livery-stable keeper under this act. Cattle brokers. 24. Cattle brokers shall pay for each license the sum of ten dollars. Any person whose business it is to buy and sell and d~5al in cattle, hogs, or sheep, shall be considered as a cattle broker. Tallow-chan- 25. Tallow-chandlers and soap-makers shall pay for each license the ggfegd ‘°‘l" sum of ten dollars. Any person whose business it is to make or manu- ` facture candles or soap shall be regarded a tallow·chandler and soapmaker under this act. Coal-oil dum. 26. Coal-oil distillers shall pay for each license the sum of fifty dollars. lm- Any person who shall redne, produce, or distil crude petroleum or rock oil, or crude coal oil, or crude oil made of asphaltum, shale, peat, or other bituminou substances, shall be regarded a coal-oil distiller under this act. Psddlm- 27. Peddlers shall be classified and rated as follows, to wit: when First class. travelling with more than two horses, the lirst class, and shall pay twenty Sccondglass. dollars for each license; when travelling with two horses, the second class, and shall pay nfteen dollars for each license; when travelling with Third dm- one horse, the third class, and shall pay ten dollars for each license; when Fourth class. travelling on foot, the fourth class, and shall pay five dollars for each license. Any person, except persons peddling newspapers, bibles, or religious tracts, who sells or offers to sell, at retail, goods, wares, or other commodities, travelling from place to place, in the street, or through different parts of the country, shall be regarded a peddler under this act: Pro- P£gdl°”f<g` vided, That any peddler who sells, or offers to sell, dry goods, foreign and gh? ° ry domestic, by one or more original packages or pieces, at one time, to the same person or persons, as aforesaid, shall pay fifty dollars for each li· <>f.i¤W¤l¤‘y· cense. And any person who peddles jewelry shall pay twenty-tive dollars for each license: Provided, That manufacturers and producers of agricultural tools and implements, garden seeds, stoves, and hollow ware, brooms, wooden ware, and powder, delivering and selling at wholesale any of said articles, by themselves or their authorized agents at places other than the place of manufacture, shall not be required, for any sale thus made, to take out any additional license therefor. Apothecarics. 28. Apothecaries shall pay ten dollars for each license. Every person who keeps a shop or building where medicines are compounded or pre- Post, p. 714. pared according to prescriptions of physicians, and sold, shall be regarded an apothecary under this act. But wholesale and retail dealers, who have taken out a license therefor, shall not be required to take out a licenpe as apothecary, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstan ing. M¤“*<=*l¤’•¥¤· 29. Manutheturers shall pay ten dollars for each license. Any person or persons, Erms, companies, or corporations, who shall manufacture by 1’¢>¤¢.1>·714· hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise, exceeding annually the sum of one thousand dollars, shall be regarded a manufacturer under this act. _ Ph¤*0K¤‘¤Ph¤1‘¤· 30. Photographers shall pay ten dollars for each license when the receipts do not exceed five hundred dollars; when over five hundred dollars and under one thousand dollars, fifteen dollars; when over one
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