464 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 119. 1862. Cigars. On cigars, valued at not over five dollars per thousand, one dollar and Hity cents per thousand; On cigars, valued at over five and not over ten dollars per thousand, two dollars per thousand; On cigars, valued at over ten and not over twenty dollars per thousand, two dollars and fifty cents per thousand; Ou cigars, valued at over twenty dollars per thousand, three dollars and lift cents per thousand; _ _ Gunpowder. dn gunpowder, and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting, artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at eighteen cents per pound or less, live mills per pound; when valued at above eighteen cents per pound, and not exceeding thirty cents per pound, one cent per pound; and when valued at above thirty cents per pound, six cents per pound; White Lead. On white lead, twenty-five cents per one hundred pounds; 0,;;;, of ,;,,6, On oxide of zinc, twenty-five cents per one hundred pounds; S,,;,,;,,,,,; On sulphate of barytes, ten cents per one hundred pounds: Provided, bsrvtss. That white lead, oxide of zinc, and sulphate of barytes, or any one of Pm p_ U6_ them, shall not be subject to any additional duty in consequence of being ’ mixed or ground with linseed oil, when the duties upon all the materials so mixed or ground shall have been previously actually paid ; hints and On all paints and painters’ colors, dry or ground in oil, or in paste with P‘““““°° °°l°"'· water, not otherwise provided for, Eve per centum ad valorem ; Clock move- On clock movements made to run one day, five cents each; made to m?};:, ,1., run more than one day, ten cents each; rmi plOn pins, solid head or other, five per centum ad valorem; Umbmum On umbrellas and parasols made of cotton, silk, or other material, five Post, p. 717. per ccntum ad valorem; Screws- On screws, commonly called wood screws, one and a half cent per pound ; _ Railroad,&>c. On railroad iron, and all other iron advanced beyond slabs, blooms, or “'°°· loops, and not advanced beyond bars or rods, and band, hoop, and sheet Past, p. 717. iron, not thinner than number eighteen wire-gauge, and plate iron not less than one·eighth of an inch in thickness, one dollar and fifty cents per ton; on railroad iron, re-rolled, seventy-five cents per ton; on band, hoop, and Band, hoop sheet iron, thinner than number eighteen wire-gauge, plate iron less than gf °h°°*"°“· one-eighth of an inch in thickness, and cut nails and spikes, two dollars ' per ton: Provided, That bars, rods, bands, hoops, sheets, plates, nails, and spikes, manufactured from iron upon which the duty of one dollar and fifty cents has been levied and paid, shall be subject only to a duty of fifty h 1 cents per ton in addition thereto, anything in this act to the contrary not- ,°£tf,::j'"d °' withstanding; On stoves and hollow ware, one dollar and fifty cents per gm m,,, p,,, ton of two thousand pounds ; cast iron used for bridges, buildings, or other hridge¤,&c· permanent structures, one dollar per ton: Provided, That bar iron used Post, p. 717. for like purposes shall be charged no additional duty beyond the specinc Steel. duty imposed by this act; On steel in ingots, bars, sheets, or wire not less than one—fourth of an inch in thickness, valued at seven cents per pound or less, four dollars per ton ; valued at above seven cents per pound, and not above eleven cents per pound, eight dollars per ton; valued above eleven cents per pound, ten dollars per ton; Paper. On paper of all descriptions, including pasteboard and binders’ boards, three per centum ad valorem ; Soap. On soap, castile, palm-oil, erasive, and soap of all other descriptions, white or colored, except soft soap and soap otherwise provided for, valued not above three and a half cents per pound, one mill per pound; valued at above three and a half cents per pound, five mills per pound; On soap, fancy, scented, honey, cream, transparent, and all descriptions of toilet and shaving soap, two cents per pound; Salt. On salt, four cents per one hundred pounds ; Pickles, &c. On pickles and preserved fruits, and on all preserved meats, fish, and shell—iish in cans or air-tight packages, five per centum ad valorem;
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