Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/514

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484 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS Sess. H. Ch. 119. 1862. Duty. Dolls. ob. Suits by states, Provided, That no writ, summons, or other process issued by a jus- §¤<=- Md °*‘i*¤· tice of the peace, or issued in any criminal or other suits com-

';g,,lf;°Qf’°°° menced by the United States or any State, shall be subject to

the payment of stamp duties: And provided, further, That the stamp duties imposed by the foregoing schedule B on manifests, bills of lading, and passage tickets, shall not apply to steamboats or other vessels plying between ports of the United States and ports in British North America. screams c. SCHEDULE C. M¤dl¤E¤¤¤ or Medicines or preparations.-—For and upon every packet, box, pl°pm`°‘“°“s' bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, containing any pills, powders, tinctures, trochcs or lozenges, syrups, cordials, bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, spirits, oils, or other preparations or compositions whatsoever, made and sold, or removed for consumption and sale, by any person or persons whatever, wherein the person making or preparing the same has, or claims to have, any private formula or occult secret or art for the making or preparing the same, or has, or claims to have, any exclusive right or title to the making or preparing the same, or which are prepared, uttered, vended, or exposed for sale under any letters-patent, or held out or recommended to the public by the makers, venders, or proprietors thereof as proprietary medicines, or as remedies or specifics for any disease, diseases, or affections whatever affecting the human or animal body, as follows: where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents, shall not exceed, at the retail price or value, the sum of twenty-tive cents, one cent. ... 1 Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of twenty-tive cents, and not exceed the retail price or value of fifty cents, two cents ... . .. . . . 2 Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of fifty cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of seventy-five cents, three cents. . 3 Wlnen such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of seventy-five cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of one dollar, four cents .. . .. 4 Wlien such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents, shall exceed the retail p1'lCG or value of one dollar, for each and every fifty cents or fractional part thereof over and above one dollar, as before mentioned, an additional two cents . .. . 2 Perrnmeq-and Pcrfumery and cosmetics.- For and upon every packet, box, '°°'“°*‘°’· bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, containing any essence, extract, toilet, water, cosmetic, hair oil, pomade, hairdressing, hair restorative, hair dye, toothwash, dentrifrice, tooth paste, aromatic cachous, or any similar articles, by whatsoever name the same heretofore have been, now are, or may hereafter be called, known, or distinguished, used or applied, or to be used or applied as perfumes or applications to the hair, mouth, or skin, made, prepared, and sold or removed for consumption and sale in the United States, where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents, shall not exceed