Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/525

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 120. 1862. 495 said State by the Central Pacihc Railroad Company of California, said first-named company is hereby authorized to continue in constructing the same through California, with the consent of said State, upon the terms mentioned in this act, until said roads shall meet and connect, and the whole line of said railroad and telegraph is completed; and -the Central Central Pacific Pacific Railroad Company of California, after completing its road across ““Y °°“*l““°& said State, is authorized to continue the construction of said railroad and coumucmm c` telegraph through the Territories of the United States to the Missouri River, including the branch roads specified in this act, upon the routes hereinbefore and hereinafter indicated, on the terms and conditions provided in this act in relation to the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, until said roads shall meet and connect, and the whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph is completed. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That for three hundred miles of Aidfcrtlis most said road most mountainous and difficult of construction, to wit: one “!°S‘“*“l“°““ °°d hundred and fifty miles westwardly from the eastern base of the Rocky gggldiugg bgaétgblgf Mountains, and one hundred and fifty miles eastwardly from the western &<=· base of the Sierra Nevada mountains, said points to be fixed by the President of the United States, the bonds to be issued to aid in the construction thereof shall be treble the number per mile hereinbefore provided, and the same shall be issued, and the lands herein granted be set apart, upon the construction of every twenty miles thereof, upon the certificate of the commissioners as aforesaid that twenty consecutive miles of the same are completed; and between the sections last named of one hundred and fifty miles each, the bonds to be issued to aid in the construction thereof shall be double the number per mile first mentioned, and the same shall be issued, and the lands herein granted be set apart, upon the construction of every twenty miles thereof, upon the certidcate of the commissioners as aforesaid that twenty consecutive miles of the same are completed: Provided, That no more than nfty thousand of said bonds shall be issued under this act to aid in constructing the main line of said railroad and telegraph. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That whenever the route of said L°¤¤*l°¤iWh¤¤'¤ railroad shall cross the boundary of any State or Territory, or said {?,`:,t:d;°g,”:?· any meridian of longitude, the two companies meeting or uniting there shall State, &¤. agree upon its location at that point, with reference to the most direct and practicable through route, and in case of difference between them as to said location the President of the United States shall determine the said location ; the companies named in each State and Territory to locate the road across the same between the points so agreed upon, except as herein provided. The track upon the entire line of railroad and branches rmi; te be of shall be of uniform width, to be determined by the President of the ¤¤ig<g;¤ *;**3; United States, so that, when completed, cars can be run from the Missouri p,,,,; Q go-,_' River to the Pacific coast; the grades and curves shall not exceed the Grades and maximum grades and curves of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; the °““’°‘· whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated b R¤gg ¤¤<L ( and used for all purposes of communication, travel, and transportation, b;”§u°i2;,°_°" ° so far as the public and government are concerned, as one connected, continuous line; and the companies herein named in Missouri, Kansas, and California, filing their assent to the provisions- of this act, shall receive and transport all iron rails, chairs, spikes, ties, timber, and all materials required for constructing and furnishing said first-mentioned line between the aforesaid point, on the one hundredth meridian of longitude and western boundary of Nevada Territory, whenever lthe same is required by said first-named company, at cost, over that portion of the roads of said companies constructed under the provisions of this act. _ Sec. 13. And bs it _/imhsr enacted, That the Hannibal and Saint Joseph StH;;*;¤b};¤lC=:·)¤;]§l_ Railroad Company of Missouri may extend its roads from Saint Joseph, My mag, umm ria Atchison, to connect and unite with the road through Kansas, upon its road, &c.