Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/537

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THIRTY·—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 133. 1862. 507 Fpr mileage, or the allowance made to officers of the army for the Mileage and transportation of themselves and their baggage, when travelling on duty **;“*P°*'*“*i°“ °f without troops, escorts, or supplies, one million two hundred and ninety- 0 cm` one thousand six hundred dollars. For transportation of the army, including the baggage of the troops Tr¤¤¤p<>rt¤¢i¤¤ when moving, either by land or water ; of clothing, camp and garrison °f°h° “"“Y‘ equipage, from the depots at Philadelphia and New York to the several posts and army depots, and from those depots to the troops in the field; and subsistence from the places of purchase and from the places of delivery under contract, to such places as the circumstances of the service may require them to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance shores, and small arms, from foundcries and armorics to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and army depots; freights, wharfagc, tolls, and fcrriages; for the purchase and hire of horses, mules, oxen, and harness, and the purchase and repair of wagons, carts, and drays, and of ships, and other sea.-going vessels, and boats required for the transportation of supplies and for garrison purposes; for drayage and cartagc at the several posts ; hire of tcamstcrs; transportation of funds for the pay and other disbursing depa.rtments·; the expense of sailing public transports on the various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pacific; and for procuring water at such posts as, from their situation, require that it be W¤f¤1‘· brought from a distance; and for clearing roads, and removing obstruc- Cleaririécmuds, tions from roads, harbors, and rivers, to the extent which may be required h”b°'“· · for the actual operations of the troops in the Held, forty million dollars. For hire or commutation of quarters for officers on military duty; hire HF? wd <=<>*¤· of quarters for troops; of storebouses for the safe-keeping of military muzi? °fq“"` stores, of grounds for summer cantonments, for the construction of tem- ’ porary buts, hospitals, and stables, and for repairing public buildings at established posts, four million two hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars. _ For heating and cooking stoves, ninety thousand dollars. mg::"¤8» &°-¢ For maintenance of gunboat Heat proper, two millions one hundred G,,,;},,,; gw_ and sixty thousand dollars. For maintenance of swam rams, one hundred and eighty thousand Steam mma. dollars. _ For contingencies of the army, five hundred thousand dollars. Contingencies. For clothing for the army, camp and garrison aquipagc, and for cx- Cguzuinggzmmp pauses of ciiices and arsenals, thirty-nine million three hundred and °q“'P°g°’ °° twenty-two thousand Eve hundred and thirteen dollars and twenty- five cents. For constructing and extending the telegraph for military purposes, Iulegraph for and for expenses in operating the same, five hundred thousand dollars. m*;;*'Y PW For the medical and hospital department, including pay of private P°M6;limand physicians, purchase and repair of surgical instruments, purchase of extra hospital depm hospital bedding, clothing, ice, pay of male citizens as hospital attendants; ment. the maintenance of sick and wounded soldiers, placed in private houses or hospitals; and other necessary comforts for the sick and convalcscing in the various military hospitals, fivc million seven hundred and five thousand nine hundred and eighty-four dollars. _ For contingent expenses of the adjutant-gcncra.l’s department at cS;’;**';§°;*$j‘;’f’ department headquarters, two thousand dollars. _ _ €,mtge,m.,,;·s dc. For supplies, transportation, and care of prisoners of war, three million pagtmerfjz. & three hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and twenty- of p’2’SQ’,;?_; 0'ti‘· ai ht dollars. wvgFor armamed of fortifications, one million sixty-two thousand Eve t_0$2¤;:;;)<;* °*` hundred dollars. ° For the current expenses of the ordnance service, seven hundred and _Ordnamcz serthirty-two thousand six hundred dollars. _ v'g?dn“c€ my For ordnance, ordnance qtores, and supplies, including horse equnp- n,,,,,, ,w,c§,gw_