Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/544

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514 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 135. 1862. per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. For sixth of twenty instalments for the seventh smith and assistant, and support of shop, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand and sixty d ll . 0B3d: support of a smith, assistant, and shop for the Bois Forte ·band, during the pleasure of the President, per twelfth article treaty tlnrtietb September, eightpen hufndred arpd ngy-Eur, ope Eholpsaigddand sixply dolgars. F s ort o two armers or e cis or e an , uring e p easure (df Ship President, per twelfth article treatyh thilrtigtlg September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four one thousand two un re ollars. Chlippewas of gO'hippewas of the flhssissippi.-— For one-third of twenty-first of

  • h° '”‘”‘Pl”· twenty-tive instalments in money, per fourth article treaty fourth October,

V°l· vii P- 592- eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Sep- Vol. x. p. 1109. tember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, four thousand one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. I { h f For one·third of twenty-first of twenty-five insta ments or the pay o two carpenters, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and fortygwo, {and efighthhargcleltgepity thirtieth September, eighteen hundred an ty- our, our un re dollars. For one-third of twenty-first of twenty-five instalments in goods per fourth article treat fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two,, and Y eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thousand five hundred dollars. For one·third of twenty-first of twenty-tive instalments for the support of schools, er fourth article treat fourth October, eighteen hundred and P Y . . forty~two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For one-third of twenty-first of twenty-five instalments for the purchase of provisions and tobacco, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For one-third of twenty-first of twenty-five instalments for the support of two smiths’ shops, including the pay of two smiths and assistants, and furnishing iron and steel, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred gnddfoiq-gpgo, fand eightlh argiclp tregty.thirtiethdSEptembe;, eigheen un re an y- our, six un re an S1Xy-SIX dollars an six y- seven cents. For one-third of twenty-first of twenty-five instalments for pay of two farmers, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hunlilped and; (ifty-four, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty- ree cen s. For eighth of twenty instalments of annuity in money per third article Vol. x. p. 1165. treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and ,fift -five, twent ousan dollars. th d d ll g y Y Cmpp€w,,S_p¤_ Ohippewas, Pillager, and Lake Mnnibagoshish Bands. ——For eighth lager, and Inks of thirty instalments of annuity in money, per third article treaty twenty- g;1‘g;b“g°‘h"h second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, ten thousand six hunv,,;_ ,Q_ ,,_ 1165_ dred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents. For eighth of thirty instalments of annuity in goods per third article tpeaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollars. For eighth of thirty instalments for purposes of utility, per third article treaty tH·enty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. For eighth of twenty instalments for purposes of education, per third