Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/554

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524 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 135. 1862. For third of twenty instalments for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and physician who shall furmsh medicines for the sick, per eleventh article trelatyéhxgtygfiist January, eighteen hundred and fifty- five,four thousand six un re dollars. W,,u,,w,,u,, Walla-Walla, Uayuse, and Umatilla Tribes.-—For third of five inst;]. U¤y¤q¤, and_ i ments of eight thousand dollars, under the direction of the President, per U$;‘,;:;‘,rg2f,’°" second article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight `thousand dollars. For third of twenty instalments for the purchase of all necessary mill fixtures and mechanical tools, medicines, and hospital stores, books and stationery for schools, and furniture for the employees, per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty~five, three thousand dollars. For third of twenty instalments for the pay and subsistence of one superintendent of farming operations, one farmer, two rnillers, one blacksmith, one wagon and plough maker, one carpenter and Joiner, one physician, and two teachers, per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five eleven thousand two hundred dollars. For third of twenty instalments for the pay of ealch og the headfchiefs of the Walla-Walla Cayuse, and Umatilla ban s the sum 0 five hundred dollars per ,annum, per fifth ariicledtrgagylpinth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, one thousand five un re dollars. For third of twenty instalments for salary for the son of Pi0-pi0- mox-mox, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and nfty-five one hundred dollars. Yakima Nation. Yalcirim Nation.—For third of five instalments for beneficial objects, P"“» P· 953- at the discretion of the President, er· fourth article treat ninth June, eig teen iun re an y- ve en thousand dollars. 'h ldd ddftii t li ddll y For third of twenty instalnients for the support of two schools, one of which is to be an agricultural and industrial school; keeping in repair school buildings, and for providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For third of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dollars. For third of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of farming and two farmers, two millers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gunsmith one carpenter and one wavon and plouvh maker}; per fipp artiple éreally ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-tide, nine t ousun our un re dollars. For third of twenty instalments for keeping in repair saw and tlouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. for thigd of twenty instalments for keeping in repair the hospital, an provi ing the necessary medicines and fixtures therefor, per fifth grgicle treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred 0 ars. For third of twenty instalments for the pay of a physician, per ttilfth aipege tpeaty niigh June, eighteen hundred and Efty-tive, one ousan our un red ollars. For third of twenty instalments for keeping in repair the buildings required for the various employees, and for providing the necessary furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollars. 'For third of twenty instalments for the salary of such person as the said conefederated tribes and bands of Indians may select to be their 2F11d60k!? pt? Ggthdagtipge treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred wld ty- ve, ve un re ol rs. mg? Pm° I¤‘ Mz Perce Indians.—For third of five instalments for beneficial 0bje¢¢S,