Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/559

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THIRTY·-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 135. 1862. 529 an expense of ten dollars per mile for surveying, three thousand Eve hundred dollars. For the first of fifteen instalments of annuity of thirty thousand dol- Annuity. lars, to be expended for their benefit, that is to say, fifteen thousand dollars per annum for each tribe, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to and settle upon their reservations, for the Escal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, thirty thousand dollars. Also for the same object for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty thousand dollars. For transportation and necessary expenses of delivering of annuities, Tmnspomtion goods, and provisions to the Arapahoes and Cheyenne Indians of the °f ‘“"“""°’· J"' Upper Arkansas River for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, Eve thousand dollars. Also for the same object for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hnndred and sixty-three, five thousand dollars. For the purpose of negotiating a treaty with the Chippewa: of northern Chippewa; of Minnesota, and the extinguishing of their title to the lands in that ::£h°‘*°M’°“°‘ vicinity, or so much thereof as may be needed for that purpose, to be ` expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifteen thousand dollars. For defraying the expenses of negotiating a treaty with the Shoshonees shoshonm 0, or Snake Indians, or so much thereof as may be needed, to be expended $¤¤k¤ l¤di¤¤¤· under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. For amount in the hands of late agent W. W. Dennison, unaccounted PWM ¤¤d for, belonging to the Ottoes and Missourias, eighteen thousand nine hun- M‘“°"”"' dred and seventy dollars and seven cents. For deficiency in the contingent {"und of the Indian department for the Dsnsiency in balance of the half year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty- •>°¤¤¤€°¤'¤ ¤¤d- two, -ten thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That after the end of the present Sghyy of su. iiscal year the salary of the superintendent of Indian afairs for the 16;¤g}¤f¤¤9¤¤¤ in northern and for the southern districts of California shall be three thou- °""“‘ sand dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum of forty thousand Nez Percca. dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to enable the President to negotiate a treaty with the Nez Peree Indians of Oregon and Washington Territory, for the relinquishment of a portion or all of their present reservation, or its exchange for other lands. _ Sec. 4. And be it further emzcteal That under any of the appropr1a— N0 ¤¤:t•¤- tions contained in this act for the purpose of negotiating treaties, there 1E3Q';:? °p°y shall be no new engagements entered into to pay moneys to any Indian tribe; that all payments to be made under such treaties shall be made I:l¤y¤¤¢¤¤,h¢>W in specific articles of clothing and agricultural implements. m° °° SEC- 5. And be it further enacted, That hereafter no goods shall be ·G0odg {Or In. purchased by the Indian Department, or its agents, for any tribe, exeept gx; gsxwl upon the written requisition of the superintendent in charge of the tribe, only on written and only upon public bids in the mode prescribed by law for the purchase requisition, Sw. of other supplies. _ Sec. 6. And be it j'w~the¢· enacted That the Secretary of the Interior settlements b6, and he is hereby, directed to cause settlements to be made ruth all per- :¥*(l;rP"L‘;’Lm1}:““t S011S appointed by Indian councils to receive moneys due to nncomgetont aims_ or orphan Indians, and to require all moneys found to be due to sand m- competent or orphan Indians to be returned to the treasury of the United States; and all moneys so returned shall bear an interest at the rate of six per eentum per annum, until paid by order of the Secretary of the Interior to those entitled to the same; and no money shall paid to any person or peyns appointed by any Indian council to receive v01.. zu. Pun.—6