THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 163. 1862. 549 canary, one dollar per bushel of sixty pounds; caraway, three cents per pound; cardamom, fifty cents per pound; cummin, five cents per pound; coriander, three cents per pound; fennel, two cents per pound; fe[n]u- greek, two cents per pound; hemp, one-half cent per pound; mustard, brown, three cents per pound; white, three cents per pound; rape, one cent per pound; castor seeds or beans, thirty cents per bushel; Sugar of lead, four cents per pound; Sugar of lead. Tartar emetic, fifteen cents per pound; Tartar emetic. Varnish, valued at one dollar and fifty cents or less per gallon, fifty varnish. cents per gallon, and twenty per centum ad valorem ; valued at above one dollar and fifty cents per gallon, fifty cents per gallon, and twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; Vanilla beans, three dollars per pound; Vanilla beans. Verdigris, six cents per pound; Verdigris. Whiting, when dry, fifty cents per one hundred pounds; when ground writing, in oil, one dollar and fifty cents per one hundred pounds ; Acetous, benzoic, muriatic, and pyroligneous acids, cutch or catechu, acetcus,&c. orchil and cudbear, safflower and sumac, ten per centum ad valorem ; “°'dS· &°‘ Arsenic in all forms, ammonia, and sulphate and carbonate of ammo- Arsenic, &c. nia; bark, cinchona, Peruvian, Lima, Calisaya, quilla, and all other Medicinal medicinal barks, flowers, leaves, plants, roots, and seeds, not otherwise g2;kg{h€;‘v‘;l;g&°· provided for; cobalt, and oxide of cobalt; gums, amber, Arabic, jedda,p-0V14s4fof_ senegal, tragacanth, myrrh, and all other gums and gum resins not otherwise provided tor; quassia wood; smalts; sarsaparilla; tapioca; tonqua beans and sponges, twenty per centum ad valorem; acetic acid, twenty- Acme md, five per centum ad valorem; Santonine and glycerine, thirty per centum ad valorem ; Santonine, &c. On all pills, powders, tinctures, troches or lozcnges, sirups, cordials, bit- Pills, &¤· ters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, spirits, oils, or other medicinal preparations or composi— Medicinal preptions, recommended to the public as proprietary medicines, or prepared “”“°"S· according to some private formula or secret art as remedies or specifics for any disease or diseases or affections whatever affecting the human or animal body, fifty per centum ad valorem ; On all essences, extracts, toilet waters, cosmetics, hair oils, pomades, Essences, hair dressings, hair restoratives, hair dyes, tooth washes, dentridces, tooth ;E§;';§f’°°* pe" pastes, aromatic cachous, or other perfumeries or cosmetics, by whatsoever name or names known, used or applied as perfumes or applications to the hair, mouth, or skin, fifty per centum ad valorem. _ _ Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That from and after the day and du’&gg‘g‘:?tlu_ year aforesaid, in addition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the ’ articles hereinafter mentioned, and on such as may now be exempt from duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, that is to say : _ Antimony, crude ; A“*'m°“Y‘ Assafwtida ; Assafcetida. Beeswax ; B“°“'{*’·X· Blacking of all descriptions ; Bl”°k"‘g‘ Building stone of all descriptions, not otherwise provided for; Building smne galomel ; g“1°"‘°L atsup; amp. Civet, oil of; Civet. Cobalt 0}*55 3 ‘ Cobalt ore; Extract of indigo; extract of madder ; extract and decoctions of log- Extracts,. wood, and other dyewoods ; _ Flints, and flint, ground ; Flmts. Flocks, waste or shoddy; Fl°°k’· Furs, dressed, when not on the skin ; Furs.
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