Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/581

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 163. 1862. 55] On anchovies, preserved in salt, thirty per centum ad valorem ; Auohovies. On andirons, made of cast iron, one cent and one-fourth per pound; Andirons. On barley, pearl or hulled, one cent per pound; Barley. On bonnets, hats, and hoods, for men, women, and children, composed Bonnets, &c. of straw, chip, grass, palm·leaf, willow, or any other vegetable substance, or of silk, hair, whalebone, or other material, not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem; On braids, plaits, Hats, laces, trimmings, sparterre, tissues, willow sheets Braids, &c. and squares, used for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets, and hoods, composed of straw, chip, grass, palm-leaf; willow, or any other vegetable substance, or of hair, whalebone, or other material, not otherwise pro— vided for, thirty per centum ad valorem; On books, periodicals, pamphlets, blank-books, bound or unbound, and B°°k’»&°· all printed matter, engravings, bound or unbound, illustrated books and papers, and maps and charts, twenty per centum ad valorem ; Provided, _ Cotton and ghat all Qmlported cotton and linen rags for the manufacture of paper shall g;;; {Sife 2*;% e ree o uty; On bristles, ten cents per pound; 3,;,,1,, On candles and tapers, stearine and adamantine, five cents per pound; Candles, &c. on spermaceti, paratline, and wax candles and tapers, pure or mixed, eight cents per pound; on all other candles and tapers, two and one-half cents per pound ; On chicory root, two cents per pound; on chicory ground, burnt, or Chioory. prepared, three cents per pound ; On acorn coffee and dandelion root, raw or prepared, and all other Acorn coffee, articles used or intended to be used as coifee, or a substitute for coffee, &°‘ and not otherwise provided for, three cents per pound ; On coloring for brandy, fifty per centum ad valorem; ingmndy °°1°" On cork wood, unmanufactured, thirty per centum ad valorem; on Cork wood. corks, fifty per centum ad valorem ; On cotton, one-half cent per pound; C<>*¤>¤· On feathers and downs for beds or bedding, of all descriptions, thirty Feathers, &c. per centum ad valorem; On ostrich, vulture, cock, and other ornamental feathers, crude or not dressed, colored, or manufactured, twenty per centum ad valorem ; when dressed, colored, or manufactured, forty per centum ad valorem; On feathers and flowers, artificial and parts thereof, of whatever material composed, not otherwise provided tor, forty per centum ad valorem; On tire-crackers, nfty cents per box of forty packs, not exceeding eighty Fire-crackers. to each pack; and in the same proportion for a greater number; On fruit, shade, lawn, and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, and bulbous Fruit-trees. roots, and flower seeds, not otherwise provided tor, thirty per centum ad r°°°s* S“dS· &°‘ valorem; “ On gloves, made of skins or leather, forty per centum ad valorem; Gloves. On gunpowder, and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting, Gunpowder. artillery, or sporting purposes, valued at less than twenty cents per pound, six cents per pound; valued at twenty cents or over per pound, six cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem in addition thereto; On garden seeds, and all other seeds for agricultural and horticultural Garden seeds purposes, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem; On hides, raw, and skins of all kinds, whether dried, salted, or pickled, Hidesten per centum ad valorem ; On hollow·ware and vessels of cast iron, not otherwise provided for, H<>U<>W-W¤r¤- one cent and one-fourth per pound ; On hops, five cents per pound; H°l”’ On human hair, raw, uncleaned, and not drawn, twenty per centum ad Human hair. valorem; when cleaned or drawn, but not manufactured, thirty per centum ad valorem; when manufactured, forty per centum ad valorem; On lead ore, one dollar per one hundred pounds; L°“d °’°