Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/591

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THIRTY-·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 163, 164. 1862. 561 ernment and [to] pay interest on the public debt," approved July first, [Repealed, 1863, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, be so amended that no instrument, docu- °h},4·,§ 5* 633 ment, or paper, made, signed, or issued prior to the first day of January, 1,,;:,-,£{e¤¤'] eighteen hundred and sixty-three, without being duly stamped, or having **9* W bs *1**116 thereon an adhesive stamp to denote the duty imposed thereon, shall for wQ:;;°$ gg"`? that cause be deemed invalid and of no effect: Provided, however, That lists. i i no such instrument, document, or paper shall be admitted or used as evi- -"°$'»PP·723¤72‘*· dence in any court until the same shall have been duly stamped, nor st£,L;;'db%w_ bc., until the holder thereof shall have proved to the satisfaction of the court fore they ai-ei that he has paid to the collector or deputy collector of the district within “"d i" °"ld°“°°‘ which such court may be held the sum of five dollars, for the use of the United States. Sec. 25. And be it further enacted, That no part of the act aforesaid, When parts of in relation to stamp duties, shall be held to take effect before the first $12%* 119 day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. And so much of e ec said act as relates to the appointment of collectors and assessors shall be Am%1>P·433, 475- held to take effect on the twenty-first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, instead of from and after its approval by the President. Ar1>1tovm>, July 14, 1862. Gun. CLXIV.—An Act making Appropriations for the Naval Service for the Year July 14, 1362, ending thirtieth tf June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and for other Purposes. "";""·` Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ty America in Congress assembled, That the ibllowing sums be, and Appropriation. they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three: For pay of commission, warrant, and petty officers and seamen, includ- Pay of omeers ing the engineer corps of the navy, eleven million six hundred and seven- md '°°“· teen thousand one hundred and nine dollars. For the repair and equipment of vessels of the navy, eleven million Rppeir and four hundred thousand dollars. °qmPm°°t’ For fuel for the navy, to be purchased in the mode prescribed by law Fuel. for other materials, and for the transportation thereof, two million one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. For the purchase of hemp and other materials for the navy, live Hemp. hundred and forty thousand dollars. For ordnance and ordnance stores, including incidental expenses, five °r£1*fl;°;“°t;:;d million one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. S ` For provisions for commission, warrant, and petty officers and seamen, Provisions. including engineers and marines attached to vessels for sea service, three million three hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and twenty- one dollars and twenty-tive cents; Provided, That the preserved meat Preserved forming part of the navy ration may be prepared and packed under the K‘8°“;jpgQe'SH;:§ direction of the Secretary of the Navy, if he shall deem it advisable; Packs, and that the cattle or fresh beef therefor may be purchased under his directions, and from this appropriation ; and that he be authorized to do whatever else may be necessary for the procuring, preparing, and packing said preserved meat in the most approved and advantageous manner; the expense for machinery and tools to be defrayed from the last-named sum, and not to exceed five thousand dollars. For surgeons’ necessaries and appliances for the sick and hurt of the surgeons' apnavy, including the engineer and marine corps, seventy-seven thousand Dl1¤¤°€S· nine hundred dollars. _ _ For contingent expenses that may accrue for the following purposes, Spgtingent cxviz: freight and transportation; printing and stationery; advertising in l’° ‘ newspapers; books, maps, models, drawings; purchase and repair of fireengines; for machinery of every description and the patent right to use von. x11. PUB.—71