Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/593

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THIRTYLSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 164. 1862. 563 hereby appropriated shall be expended until it is satisfactorily ascertained that the said building can be completed therewith. For contingencies, namely: Freight, ferriage, toll, carriage, wharfage; Contingencies. purchase and repair of boats; compensation to judge advocates; per diem for attending courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and for constant labor; house rent in lieu of quarters; burial of deceased marines; printing, stationery, postage, telegraphing; apprehension of deserters; oil, candles, gas; repairs of gas and water fixtures, water rent, forage, straw, barrack furniture; bed sacks, spades, shovels, axes, picks, carpenters’ tools; keep of a horse for the messenger; pay of matron, washerwoman, and porter at the hospital head·qua.rters, forty-five thousand dollars. Navy Yards. Navy Yards. Portsmouth, New Hampshire.—For machine shop and smithery, Etting Pommough, and furnishing the same, reservoir, capstan for sheers, quay wall near landing, extension of storehouse number eleven one hundred feet, repairs and increase of ordnance machinery and shops, and repairs of all kinds, two hundred and thirty-two thousand thirty-two dollars. For futtock saw-mill and building, ten thousand dollars. Boston.-——For paving and draining at new shops ; coal-house for found- Boston. ery, smithery, and tbr other purposes; reservoir and steam pump, or pipes for Cochituate water; water-closets; repairs and increase of ordnance machinery and shops, and repairs of all kinds, two hundred and fifty-three thousand dve hundred dollars. For house foundation and heavy Nesmith hammer for heavy forgings, sixty-two thousand dollars. For the purchase of land and wharf adjoining the navy-yard at Charlestown, Massachusetts, owned by Oakman and Eldridge, and extending from Charles River to Water-street, and containing about one hundred and twenty thousand square feet, one hundred and twenty-three thousand dollars. For tiittock saw-mill and building, ten thousand dollars. Mw Zark.-—For dredging channels; building and repairing scows; New York. rebuilding long dock; repairs to ship-houses ; quay walls; extension of sewer; boiler house; foundery shed; machinery for machine shop, foundery, boiler shop, and smithery ; repairs of machinery, boilers; repairs of engines in machine shop; repairs and increase of ordnance machinery and shops, and repairs of all kinds, three hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and forty-six dollars. For a cylinder for roasting coffee, four hundred dollars. Philadeh>hia.—For extension of joiners’ shop, storehouses and smith- pmiadsiphin. ery; repairs of dry dock; dredging; repairs and increase of ordnance machinery and shops, and repairs of all kinds, one hundred and twenty- eight thousand seven hundred and forty-six dollars. Wash·ington.——For machinery and tools; paving; gas works; repairs Washington. and increase of ordnance machinery and shops, and repairs of all kinds, one hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and eighty-tive dollars. Marc Island.-For completion of derrick, foundery, and equipment; grading; completing officers’ houses ; gas works; two iron wharf-cranes; Mare Island. machinery and tools for smithery; cisterns; scows, lighters, stages and pile-driver; drainage and sewerage; boat·h0use and slip, and repairs of all kinds, one hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred and fifty two dollars: Provided, That no expenditure for completing officers’ houses shall be incurred until complete plans and specifications, with estimates of Expenditureon cost in detail, shall be furnished to and approved by the Secretary of the °m°°“ h°“‘°" Navy, aiid the work shall be done by contract after due and public advertisement for proposals; but no portion of this appropriation shall be expended unless the work can be completed for the sum hereby appropriated.