1`HIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 167, 168, 169. 1862. 5'ZI construction, or use of any of the bridges erected or legalized under the provisions of this act. APPROVED, July 14, 1862. C1:Ar._CLXVlII.-—An_Act_ta lzmend_an Act, mtitkd “An act to prohibit me Sale of July 14 1862 spmuwus Liquors and mtoxwating Drmks in the District of Columbia in certain Cases," ———-J—%- approved, August _/ijih, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. 1861, ch. 44. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Am’ p` 2m` States of America in Congress assembled, That any person oiiending against the provisions of the act entitled "An act to prohibit the sale of cuixssglsciligg spirituous liquors and intoxicating drinks in the District of Columbia, in ¤piritu0us_ certain cases,” approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, Lzgggemdmd may be tried before any justice of the peace for the District of Columbia, ` aud, upon conviction, shall pay a fine of twenty dollars, or, in default of such payment, shall be committed to the jail in Washington county, in the District of Columbia, for thirty days. Sec. 2. And be it jin ther enacted, That any person licensed, or who Pm0n8H_ shall hereafter be licensed, to sell spirituous liquors, or intoxicating drinks censed emitwithin said District, who shall suffer or permit any soldier or volunteer in ling V°H¤!**°°*’S. the service of the United States, or any person wearing the uniform of Qxgggogglnk such soldier or volunteer, to drink any spirituous liquor, or intoxicating liquors, &c.,u> be drink upon his premises shall be deemed guilty of the same offence men- P““"‘h°d' tioned in the act hereby amended, and upon conviction before any justice of the peace as aforesaid, shall be punished in the manner prescribed by this act. Sec. 3. And be itjin ther enacted, That any person convicted under the It-0,;,,;,;,,,, of provisions of this act, and the act hereby amended, shall forfeit his license licenseto sell spirituous liquor, and intoxicating drink ; and any license tlxereafter granted to any such person during the continuance of the existing rebellion shall be void. Sec. 4. And be it jimluar enacted, That all Hnes collected under the Fines collected provisions of this act, and the act hereby amended, shall be paid to the to be paid mlm-y levy court of Washington county, in the District of Columbia, for the use *=°¤¤’l¢- of said court. Approved, July 14, 1862. Can. CLXIX.-—·An Act lo further provide for the Collection cy" the Revenue upon the July 14, 1862. Northern, Northeastern, and Northwestern I*l·onlier, and jbr other Purposes. *";°""‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the first day of October next, the master or manager of every vessel which is enrolled Mmm, &c,_ gf or licensed for carrying on the coasting trade on the northern, northeast- Ve?;} ¤¤¤>2<=,{l ern, and northwestern frontiers of the United States shall, before the zgutfznifadfgn departure of his vessel from any port, file a manifest of his cargo with n¤rtliem,&c., the collector and obtain a clearance; and if said vessel shall touch at any gs; m° of the ports of the United States, and there receive on board any goods,' wares, or merchandise, or discharge any portion of her cargo, the master pM,,,,; mms, or manager shall report to the collector such arrival and produce his man- at othér ports ifest, and it shall be the duty of the collector to endorse thereon, certified 3i2f10g35E2r “ by himself, a description of the goods, wares, or merchandise so taken on board or unladen, and return the same to the master or manager, who shall deliver to the collector of the port at which the unlading of the cargo is completed, the manifest to be placed on file in his office. And the Penalty for owner or owners of every vessel whose master or manager shall neglect ¤°Gl°°*· to comply with the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay to the United States the sum of twenty dollars for each and every offence, onehalf for the use of the informer, and for which sum the vessel shall be liable, and may be seized and proceeded against summarily by way of
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