Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/618

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588 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. SEss· II. Ch. 186-189. 1862. Pm ¤£j*Cp¤- present “Chcboygan Distx·ict,” in the Statc of Michigan, lying west of §£"§3““?}?*{;‘{:;’ Lake Michigan and south of the line dividing townships forty—cne and Supmo, ms. forty-two north, including Saint M».rt.iu’s and the adjacent islands near the trict-" entrance in “Big Bay De Noc," now forming 0. part of the present Chebcygan district., and subject to sale at Traverse City, in said State, be, and the same is hereby, attached to the “Lake Superior District.," and the lands therein be subject. to sale and entry at the site of the land olhce for said district. When act to Sec. 2. And be it jnrthsr enacted, That this uctshall not take effect '°°k° °*”°°°· until three months after the date of its approval. Ar1>1z0v1:1>, July 16, 1862. July 16, 1862. CHAP. CLXXXVII.- An Ad to imp;e&n Duty on Sugars produced in the —--—··;—- Ill . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in addition to the duties I¤¢*‘°*%*€d duty imposed by the act entitled "An act to provide internal revenue to sup- °f °°"’°m mgm' port the government, and to pay interest on thepublic clebt," approved 1862,eh. 119. July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, on all brown muscovado or AMG, p~ 463- elariflcd ugars produced directly from the sugar canc, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, under the provisions of said act, upon all such sugars produced in the United States, a duty of one cent per pound ; and such additional duty and the duty specified in the act aforesaid shall be levied, collected, and paid [on] all such sugars, not manufactured for consumption in the family of the producer, in the hands of the producer or manufacturer thereof or of his agent or factor, on the day of the approval of this act by the President: Provided, That within States or parts of States declared to be in insurrection the said duties may be collected in such manner and by such cfhcers as the President may direct until the insurrection so declared shall cease or have been suppressed. Q鑧js gg;i¤ Snack?. And be it further engeted, Thatghc provisions of this act shall

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mm sorghum Axglgnhvzn, July 16, 1862. g July 18, 1862. CHA?. CLXXXVIH. — An Act to punish the jhtudulent Sale or Use of Postage Stamps. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mggqlz *;;; States of America in Omngress assembled, That any person who shall wil- 0, use ofpcmgo fully remove or cause to be removed from any postage stamp or stamped stamps. envelope the cancelling or dcfaciug marks thereon, with intent to use the same or cause the use of the same the second time, or shall knowingly or wilfully sell or buy such washed or restored stamps, or offer the same for sale, or give or expose the same tc any person for use, or knowingly usc the same, or prepare the same with intent for the second usc thereof; every such person shall, upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment ncc exceeding three years or by finc not exceeding one thousand dollars, 01- by both imprisonment and fine as aforesaid ; and one half such finc, when collected, shall be paid to the informcr. Approved, July 16, 1862. July 10, 1862. Gun. CLXXXLX. —- An Act in Relatgn to the Competency of Witnesses, and for other ——-—-—··- urposes. _C¤¢¤¤¢¢9¤¤v ¤f Be it enacted Zn; the Senate and House of Representatives qt the United gégewfzggrglf States of America in Congress assembled, That the laws of the State in which the court shall be held shall be the rules of decision as to the com-