612 THIRTY—-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 4, 5, 6, 7. 1862. January 18, 1862. [No. 4.] Joint Resolution for the Sale <y‘"¢he Ruins of the Washington Irgjirmary. , Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Represmtatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Ruins or Public Buildings be and hereby is directed to sell at public auction all Yglashinqtdn b the material, building and otherwise, now remaining. on Judiciary Square, Sg,drT,R;};,m0(;,_ ° of the late “Washington Infirmary," with the condition that the same be Proceeds_ removed by the purchaser or purchasers within a reasonable time from the day of sale, to be fixed by the Commissioner, and the avails of said sale may be used by the Commissioner to pay for the taking care of said property since the fire, and to the improvement of said Judiciary Square, he rendering his accounts in the usual manner to the Treasury for the same. Approved, January 18, 1862. January 21, 1862. [No. 5.] J'oz'nt Resoluhbn authorizing the Secretarz of the Treasury to transfer certam '""""""' Balances ey" an Appropriation jbr Printing of the second Session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, to the Sum appropriated for the fret Session of the T/e{rtg·s[:z:th Congress. { ADP¤<€lP¥i¤*i‘$>;d Whereas the appropriation for supplying the deficiencies in the appros:;g§;:’°,Y§(§h priations for printing ordered to be executed by the first session of the Congress tmns- Thirty-sixth Congress has been exhausted, leaving a balance to be pro- §;‘£":gS;?0;h;gt‘Lf vided for of five thousand six hundred and eight dollars and seventy- Congress. of1e cents, and said printing having been completed; and whereas there remains of the appropriation for printing ordered at the second session of the Thirty-sixth Congress a balance of twenty-five thousand six hun— dred and eight dollars and fifty-tive cents, which will not be required, as the printing for the second session Thirty··sixth Congress has been completed and paid for, Therefore Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to transfer from the balance of the appropriation now standing to the credit of said appropriation on the books of the treas— ury for printing for the second session Thirty-sixth Congress, a sum sufH· cient to meet the outstanding claim for printing for the first session Thirty- sixth Congress. Approved, January 21, 1862. January 21, 1862. [N0. 6.] Joint Resolution declaratory of the Purpose of Congress tv Impose a Taz. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Tax to be States of America in Congress assembled, That, in order to pay the ordi- $¤¤P°¤¤d· nary expenses of the Government, the interest on the national loans, and have an ample sinking fund for the ultimate liquidation of all public debts, a tax shall be imposed which shall, with the tariff' on imports, secure an annual revenue of not less than one hundred and fifty million dollars. Approved, January 21, 1862. January 25, 1862. [No. 7.] A Resolution authorizing certain Oficersey" the Navy to accept Presents of rred """""* by the Japanese Government. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Prescntsto of America m Congress assembled, That Captain W. W. McKean, com- Ky, :“;f1‘;;"°m mander of the United States steam frigate Niagara, and such of the 0iH- G,,m.£,,,,,,,t_ cers of that vessel during her late voyage to Japan, and other officers of the navy as may yet remain in the service of the United States, be authorized to accept the presents recently transmitted to this Government for presentation to them by the Government of Japan. Approved, January 25, 1862.
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