Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/644

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614 THIRTY-SEVENTH CON GBESS. Sess. II. RES. 12, 13, 14, 15. 1862. Providence of Almighty God, has won the recent series of brilliant victories over the enemies of the Union and the Constitution. Approved, February 22, 1862. Feb. 22, 1862. . .th ie o the Portiono the Creek, Semi Cllkko [N0 18] A Resolutwn for eg {nafC I”dhM- f Mk, Rslief 0* l9>'¤l Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the_United S;ff,}`S’C§f°c`fQ; States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Insaws; and Choc- terior be authorized to pay out of the annuities payable to the Seminoles, °“"· Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, and which have not been paid, in consequence of the cessation of intercourse with those tribes, so much of the same as may be necessary to be applied to the relief of such portions of said tribes as have remained loyal to the United States, and have been or may be driven from their homes in the Indian Territory into the State of Kansas or elsewhere. Approved, February 22, 1862. Feb- 2% 186% . . A lution mvidi a St ra her or the Joint Committee 'nted to ""¥`_ [N0 14] Rm Pinquizinto th;mCi>n£¢ct 6; the War. umm Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United stenogmpbe: States of America in Congress assembled, That the joint committee on 3 °°m’:;“:° ‘;“ the conduct of the present war be authorized to employ a stenographer, mg V53; °° ° who shall be paid by the Secretary of the Senate out of the money already appropriated to meet the expenses of said committee, at the same rate of compensation as that received by the reporters for the Congressional Globe. APPROVED, February 22, 1862. MHNI1 6. 1862- [N0. 15.] Joint Resolution in Rehztion to certain Railroads in the State of Missouri. Pay to certain Whereas by the fourth section of an act of Congress entitled “An act

  • ¤“*'P¤;}¤ T Mw granting the right of way to the State of Missouri, and a portion of the

aT33E:; gms` public lands to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said troops, &c. State," approved June the tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, it is provided as follows: “That the said lands, hereby granted to the said State, shall be subject to the disposal of the legislature thereof; for the purposes aforesaid and no other; and the said railroads shall be and remain public highways for the use of the government of the United States, free from toll or other charge upon the transportation of any property or troops of the United States "; and whereas the said grant 1852, cb.45,§ 4. of lands has, by virtue of said act, and of an act of the legislature of V°l·X· P· 9- the State of Missouri, been applied in the construction of the Hannibal and Saint Joseph railroad, constructed and owned by the Hannibal and Saint Joseph Railroad Company, and the Pacific railroad by the Pacific Railroad Company, which last-mentioned road is Euished and running from St. Louis to Rolla; and whereas the ability of said railroad companies to transport the property and troops of the United States over their respective railroads has been greatly impaired by the destruction of bridges, depots, and other property of said companies, and the partial destruction of said roads, and in view of the pressing public necessities, the United States, not waiving the right to have their property and troops transported free from toll or other charge by said railroads, as contemplated by the reservation aforesaid, have resolved as follows : Therefore be it Resolved by I/ze Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to make such an adjustment with the Hannibal and Saint Joseph Railroad Company and the Pacific Railroad Company, for the transportation, past and prospective, of the property and troops of the