Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/66

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36 THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 129,130. 1860. trustees; their sixty, and until their successors shall be elected. And m the mean time, P°"°”»&°· the said trustees shall pass all necessary ordinances and by-lavys for the complete organization, government, and administration of the institution herein established. They may appoint or elect a president and secretary of their own body, and all such odiccrs, professors, or teachers, as for them may seem expedient, and may confer upon them such powers, not moonsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, as may to them seem suitable to the end in view. They shall provide for the elem tion of their successors on the tirst day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty, and annually thereafter; but, if from' any cause, such elections should not take place at the times herein provided, they may be appointed Conditions of for any other convenient time. And the said trustees for the first elec- ’¤°’¤l’°'°l’iP· &°· tion, and their successors ever thereafter, shaH determine and establish the rules and conditions upon which subscribers and contributors to the said gallery and school shall be admitted as members of theesaid institution, the manner in which they shall vote in the annual elections for trustees, and the privileges they shall enjoy in the said institution, and in the lectures, exhibitions, and other proceedings thereofl A majority of said trus- Quorum. tees shall constitute a quorum to do business. Tmsms my Sec. 4. And bait further enacted, That the said trustees shall have é:'" d°g"°°“* power to grant and confirm to meritorious persons, such degrees in the ° arts as they may in their by-laws establish; and grant diplomas or certificates, under their common seal, and signed by the president and secretary to authenticate and perpetuate the same. shall keep Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the l’°°l‘° ““d -l°‘“" trustees to keep revular books or journals, in which shall be entered, mlgwhich shall . . . ° . . bg open to gn. under their direction, an account of all their ordinary acts and proceed- 'P°°tl°¤y M- ings; all the by-laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations; a. schedule of all the property and effects of every kind which may in any way be vested in the said trustees for the use and benefit of the said institution; and the names of all the subscribers and contributors qualified to vote for trustees, with their respective places of residence. And the said books or journals shall at all times be open to the inspection and examination of the said subscribers and contributors, and when required by either House of Congress, it shall be the duty of the said trustees to furnish any information respecting the institution and its affairs which may be so required. Corporation Sec. 6. And be it further enacted That nothing in this act shall be so §$*;;s;::r:g;°“· construed as to authorize said corporation to issue any note, token, " y` device, scrip, or other evidence of debt to be used as a currency. Act m¤.Y b¤ Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That this act may at any time be "’°"d°d’ &°‘ altered, amended, or repealed by the Congress of the United States. ncgoomémltignxm Sec. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the works of m by corporation hereby created to adopt any system of lottery or chances, as 32 lottery, &c. means of making a revenue, or in distributing any works of art. Ax-movnn, June 15, 1860. June 15, 1860. CHAP. CXXX.—·-An Act Lgirovidinq for additional Terms of the United States Circuit ""`—`""“' and Lstrict Courts in the State ty Kentucky. Be it mactcd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in addition to the terms of Addmoml the circuit and district courts of the United States for the district of terms or circuit Kentucky, now provided for by law, a term of the circuit court and of

;i‘;fimf’““” the district court of the United States for the district of Kentucky shall

be held in the city of Louisville, in said district, commencing on the fourth·M0nday in April in each year, and a term of each of said courts shall likewise be held at said city, commencing on the fourth Monday in September in each year, each of said terms to continue, if the business