Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/677

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 26. 1863. 647 For compensation to postmasters, two million four hundred and thirty Posemssem thousand dollars. °“d °l°"k“· For clerks for post-offices, nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For payments to letter-carriers, one hundred and eighty thousand dol- Letter carriers. lars. For compensation of blank agents and assistants, six thousand dollars. &Bl¤¤k ¤S°¤*¤» For wrapping paper, forty thousand dollars. iiym in For twine, fifteen thousand dollars. P,,p,,,-1%:-5,,%, gw_ For office stamps, six thousand dollars. For office furniture, three thousand dollars. For advertising, fifty-five thousand dollars. I For postage stamps and stamped envelopes, one hundred thousand dol- {Poem? aps_ s amps, c. For mail depredations and special agents, seventy-five thousand dollars. Dsppedations For mail boys [bags] sixty-five thousand dollars. and special For mail locks, keys, and miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. ag;::' b For payment of balances due to foreign countries, two hundred and ten locks; &:g°’ thousand dollars. Balance, dm, For miscellaneous payments, one hundred and fifty-five thousand dol- foreign countries. lars; of which not exceeding four thousand dollars may be appropriated Mi¤¤¤ll¤¤¤0¤¤· for fitting up a portion of the custom-houses at Newport, Rhode Island, Post-omoes at and New Bedford, Massachusetts, for the use of the post-offices in said §°"P°"* md cities. ew Bedford. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum of one million dollars California is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise °°“““l ‘°“°°' appropriated, for the service of the California central route. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in case the revenues of the Undrsmjn bei- Post-Oflice Department are insufficient to meet the appropriations made :;‘?:,,';£;:§:E° by this act the undrawn balances of appropriations heretofore made to supply deficiencies of that department are hereby made applicable to the payment thereof Seo. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sum of six thousand dollars Transfer of be transferred from the appropriation for paper for the public printing ‘,P£l’;£;';‘*E§_ provided for by act approved March fourteenth, eighteen hundred and to pay for blahk sixty-two, entitled "An act making appropriations for the legislative, ex- ¤S°¤¤» &°· ecutive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the year ending the 186% °h·3‘gI· thirtietb of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and additional appro- A'"' p' ' priations for the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty- two," to enable the Postmaster-General to pay therefrom the compensation of the blank agents and their assistants, heretofore paid out of the appropriation for post-office blanks. Sec. 5. And be it fimther enacted, That the Postmaster-General be, and Mailservice by he is hereby, authorized to contract and provide for the transportation of jfjjgpggkbggan the United States mails on the steamships running between San Francisco, cisco and vic- California, and Victoria, Van Couver’s Island, to be delivered at Crescent mia- _ City and Trinidad, California, Astoria and Portland in Oregon, as often as mS;:S§£“;rkS; said steamships touch at said ports named, and at Port Angeles, Washing- ,;,,0 ,,,d gmton Territory, as often as said steamships approach or pass that point going cent City to to or returning from Victoria; and that the mail service provided for by °°°"°‘ the fifth section of the act entitled “An act making appropriations for the 1862, ch. 58, service of the Post Office Department during the fiscal year ending the 95- thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three," shall cease on the A"t°*P‘882‘ termination of the year for which it was contracted: Provided, neverthe- Lingit_ot‘ up- Zess, That the service herein provided for shall not exceed the sum of P'°P"“”°“· twenty-four thousand dollars per annum. Approved, February 9, 1863.