Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/685

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Ssss. III. Ch. 43. 1863. 655 For new Fort McClary, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, one Fort Meolary. hundred thousand dollars. For Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries, Governor’s Island, Boston portwgoth,-oo, Harbor, Massachusetts, fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, twenty-tive thousand Fort Warren. dollars. For permanent forts at Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts, one Provincetown hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Harbor- For permanent forts at New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, one New Bouo,·d_ hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, Rhode Island, twenty-five thousand por; Adam, dollars. For permanent defences at Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, one hun- No,-rogoooote dred and fifty thousand dollars. BW- For additional fortifications at New London Harbor, Connecticut, two New London hundred thousand dollars: Provided, however, That this appropriation H°"b°"· shall not be expended unless New London be selected as a permanent site for a navy yard or naval station. For Fort Schuyler, East River, New York, twenty-five thousand Fort Schuyler. dollars. For fort at Willet’s Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York, two Will¤*‘¤ P<>i¤¤· hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For fort on site of Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, New York, two hundred thousand dollars. For casemated battery on Staten Island, New York, two hundred thou- Staten Island. sand dollars. For new battery near Fort Hamilton, New York, one hundred thou- Fort Hamilton, sand dollars. For fort at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, one hundred and fifty thousand Sandy Hook. dollars. For Fort Delaware, Delaware River, two hundred thousand dollars. Fort Delaware. For permanent work, for Delaware Breakwater Harbor, one hundred thousand dollars. For Fort Carroll, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland, two hundred thousand Fort Carroll. dollars. For Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, Virginia, fifty thousand dollars. Fort Monroe. For Fort Wool, Hampton Roads, Virginia, two hundred thousand dol- Fort Wool. lars. For Fort Clinch, entrance to Cumberland Sound, Florida, one hundred Fort (moon, and fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida, three hundred thousand dollars. Foy]; Toyyo,-_ For Fort Jefferson, Garden Key, Florida, three hundred thousand dol- Fort Jelierson. lars. For new fort at Tortugas, Florida, one hundred thousand dollars. Tortugos. For fort at Ship Island, Coast of Mississippi, one hundred and seventy- Ship Island. five thousand dollars. For Fort Jackson, Mississippi River, one hundred thousand dollars. Fort Jackson. For Fort Saint Philip, Mississippi River, one hundred thousand dol- Fort Saint ]m.S_ Philip. For fort at Fort Point, San Francisco Bay, California, two hundred Fort Point. thousand dollars. For fort at Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California, one hun- Alcatraz Island. dred thousand dollars. For defensive works in Oregon, and Washington Territory, two hun- Oregon and dred thousand dollars. ‘ W”hl”8*°¤- For contingencies of fortifications, including Held works and field oper- Contingencies. ations, seven hundred thousand dollars. ` For tool and siege trains for armies in the field, two hundred and fifty Tool and siege thousand dollars. *”m’·