Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/70

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40 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 134, 135, 136. 1860. C<>I1¤¤*¤<>r`¤ <>f'· Sm. 2. And be it furtlwr enacted, That the collector of said district; _€§§°6°*‘ Br°W°S' shall henceforth keep his office at Brownsville aforesaid, and the same v ' shall be removed, under such instructions as the Secretary of the Treasury » shall rescribc. f ~ Bgsgg gz; SEE. 3. And be it further enacted That a deputy collector of customs mgm shall reside and keep his office at Brazos do Santmgo aforesaid, who shall

 be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter and clear vessels.

0fg“"‘;)‘g;2;‘éP‘Q§§; Sync. 4. And be it further enacted, That gl} goods, wares, and merehim. as Brazos Hgrbop disc of whatever description, transported m bond to the port ofwmtry f°’ B'°W¤SVm°- hereby created, from any other port or place in the United States, via, Brazos Harbor, may, on their arrival in said harbor, be tmnshipped, under such regulations, not inconsistent with law, as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, in other vessels for transportation via the Rio Grande to Brownsville aforesaid ; and any goods, wares, or merchandise, of any description whatever, imported into said district via said harbor, from any foreign country, may in like manner be transbipped to said poft of entry as herein provided, for goods, wares, and merchandise traushippcd in bond. Sewing of ex- Sec. 5. And be it fwrther enacted, That no bond, obligation, power of

          • 8 °b“S***i°¤· attorney, or other instrument having legal force, and given or taken with

reference to the custom-house of said district, before the passage of this act, shall by this reason be in any manner impaired, but the same shall nevertheless remain valid. APPROVED, June 16, 1860. Juno 16, 1860. CHAP. CXICKV.-—-An Act to amend an Act re lating the Dqslomatic and Consular `-"""'°`_"` System of the Uizitejgtates.

s¤;dini¤ to be Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

“° °d“1° *‘°" States of America in Oangress assembled, That from and after the thirtieth of J unc next the kingdom of Sardinia be ranked in schedule A of IMS IM the consular and diplomatic bill, approved August eighteenth, eighteen V0I x{ p '52 léxgxidrcd and iifiy-six, with Russia, Spain, Austria, Brazil, Mexico, and ma. Appointment Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President may, by and

EgI;:g’;g; ¤V¤y» with Phe advice and consent of the Senate, appoint a representative to

y' the kingdom of Sardinia, of the grade of envoy extraordinary and minister plaxxipotentiary, who shall receive for his services an annual compensation ofztwclve thousand dollars; and a secretary of legation, who shall reizeivg fg1g13s services an annual compensation of one thousand eight mn rc dollars.

§ §1;${  <;;£:  §;c} i. gig; £; ;3 g’w;:!;er efuzgted, glxat all acts apd parts of zjncts

mm pcnha ion 0 e representative of the United States and the secretary of legation at Sardinia bc, and the same are hereby, repealed, so far as the same are inconsistent with this act.

 June 16, 1860.

Ju¤a16, 1860. Cm?. CXXXVI.-An Act éo Zqzzgfd eg; entgealf An Ac: in addition to the Am 161,% ch IOL ro z z mg e ave ra e." v?;;;; g:?‘197 Be it enactedky {hc Senate cmd Hbuse of Representatives of the United PM H 6% tates of Amgrwu m Ocngresg assembled, That It shall and may be lawful

£;¥;i;€e?: ¤;;% for the President of ihc United States to enter into contract with any

mapmu i AL pcrs0n or persons, society or societies, or body corporate, for a. term not mg of ,,8;,;,.08,, exceedingjive years, be receive from the United States through their $;;;;i;e;3. ;é> in duly constituted agent or agents, upon the coast of Africa, all negroés, me mw tram mulattoes, oxi persons of color, delivered from on board vessels seized in kc. the prosecution of the slave trade, by commanders of the United States armed vessels, and to providgthe said uegrocs, mulattoes, and persons of color wuh comfortable clothmg, shelter, and provisions for a period not