Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/700

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670 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 58. 1863. by the written or engraved signatures of the treasurer and register, and by the imprint of the seal of the treasury; andshall also express upon their face the promise of the association receiving the- same, to pay on demand, attested by the signatures of the president, or vice-president, and cashier; and the said notes shall bear such devices and such other statements, and shall be in such form, as the Secretary of the Treasury shall, by regulation, direct. _ _ Plates and dies Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That the plates and special dies

° f’°f““d°‘” fm}; to be procured by the comptroller of the currency for the'pr1nting of
 0 cmp W such circulating notes shall remain under his control and direction, and

the expenses necessarily incurred in executing the provisions of this act respecting the procuring of such notes, shall be audited and paid as contingent expenses of the Treasury Department; and for the purpose of Expense of pm- reimbursing the same, and all other expenses incurred under this act, and curing ¤¤¤¤S· in lieu of all taxes upon the circulation authorized by this act, or upon 1;,,,,;, mac;,,;,,,,, the bonds deposited for the security of the same, such association organto pv-y ¤¤¤¤=¤Uy ized under this act shall semi-annually, on the first days of January and $“l° P"` °?“° °f July, after its organization, pay to the comptroller of the currency, in us circulation. _ . lawful money of the United States, one per centum on the amount of cir- Provision in culating notes received by such association, and in default thereof, the °¤*° °*` °l°*`*“l*· treasurer of the United States is hereby authorized to reserve and retain one per centum on the amount of said bonds so deposited, at each semiannual payment of interest thereon ; and all sums so reserved and ‘ retained shall be paid into the treasury under the direction of the Secre- Bsuks,&c.,not tary, and every bank, banking association, or corporation, not organized 3"f“{"'·°d “"d“" under the provisions of this act, issuing notes calculated or intended to is .1ct, to make , mu,-m scm;.,;;. circulate as money, shall, on the first day of July next, and regularly on ¤¤=¤U.Y· the iirst days of January and July thereafter, make and deliver to the comptroller of the currency a true and accurate return of the gross amount of notes issued by it, whether in circulation, or in its vaults, or on 1’ena1ty for de- deposit elsewhere, and in default of any such return, the bank, banking ‘"”‘f“·“"dh°“' association, or corporation so failimr to make return, shall pay to the recovered. . , ¤ _ . , United btates a penalty of two per centum upon 1i1S entire capital stock, to be recovered, for the use of the United States, in any court of competent jurisdiction. _\Vhen asscciu- Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That after any such association

Q;'Q'DQ;;f’°cir_ shall have caused its promise to pay such notes on demand to be signed

culatiou as by the president or vice-president and cashier thereof, in such manner as 1**0**%*3 to make them obligatory promissory nous, payable on demand, at its _ d place of business, such association is hereby authorized to issue and circuat‘l‘;mb?0:$‘f";;_ late the same as money; and the same shall be received at par in all cept dunes, uml parts of the United States in payment of taxes, excises, public lands, and

gt all other dues to the United States, except for duties on imports, and also

public mm for all salaries and other debts and demands owing by the United States to individuals, corporations, and associations within the United States, Other issues except interest on public debt; and no such association shall issue post P¤>l“l>¤*°·d· notes, or any other notes to circulate as money, than such as are authorized by the foregoing provisions of this act. ferggéngg gnls-Qty Sec. 2i. And be i¢jiu·¢}acr enacted, That. all transfers of United States for circulation, to bonds which shall be made by any association as security for circulating have nm fact notes under the provisions of this act, shall be made to the treasurer of Smcd U¤°¤`°°¤· the United States, with a memorandum written or printed on the certificatc of such bonds, and signed by the cashier, or some other officer of the association making the deposit, stating that it is held in trust for the association on whose behalf such transfer is made, and as security for the redemption and payment of the circulating notes delivered to such asso- H<>W¤‘¤¤¤f¤¤‘¢d- mation; and no transfer of any such bonds by the treasurer shall be deemed valid, or of binding force and effect, unless sanctioned by the order or request of the comptroller of the currency upon the treasurer