Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/708

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678 THIRTY—SEVEN'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 58. 1863. made by any association, while it shall continue its banking ope;-ations, to an amount greater than its nett pronts then on hand, deducting therefrom its losses and bad debts; and all debts due to any association, on which interest is past due and unpaid for a period of six months, unless the same shall be well secured, and shall be in process of collection, shall be considered bad debts within the meaning of this act. Dividends in Sino. 45. And be it further enacted, That the directors of every asso- Mny md N<>v¤¤¤- ciation shall semi-annually in the months of May and November, declare b"' a dividend of so much of the profits of such association as they shall On each diva- judge expedient; and on each dividend day, the cashier shall make, and demi day ¤¤s*¤i¢¤ verify by his oath, a full, clear, and accurate statement of the condition

[‘:‘;‘1‘fl§c?;;;f of the association, as it shall be on that day after declaring the divitrollerasto dend; which statement shall c0ntain— _ ·

Capital. First. The amount of the capital stock actually paid An and then remaining, as the capital stock of such association. Circulation. Secondly. The amount of the circulating notes of such association then in circulation. Thirdly. The greatest amount in circulation at any time since the making of the last previous statement, as shall have been exhibited by the weekly statements of the cashier, specifying the times when the same occurred. Due other Fourthly. The amount of balances and debts of every kind due to b““k“· other banks and banking associations. Depositm-s. Fifthly. The amount due to depositors. Liabilities. Sixth1y. The total amount of debts and liabilities of every description, and the greatest amount since the making of the last previous statement, specifying the time when the same accrued. Di*'id¤¤d· Seventhly. The total amount of dividend declared on the day of making the statement. Eighthly. The amount of lawful money of the United States belonging to the association, and in its possession at the time of making the statenient. Subjcctto draft- Ninthly. The amount subject to be drawn at sight, in lawful money of the United States, then remaining ou deposit with any associations, banks or bankers; specifying the amounts so on deposit in the cities of Boston, Providence, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and New Orleans. Bills on hand. Tenthly. The amount then on hand of bills or notes, issued by other banks and banking associations. Due from other Eleventhly. The amount of balances due from other banks, bankers, b“"ks‘ and banking associations, excluding deposits subject to be drawn at sight as aforesaid. Assets. Twelfthly. The amount on hand of bills, bonds, stocks, notes, and other evidences of debts, discounted or purchased by the association, specifying particularly the amount of suspended debt, the amount considered bad, the amount considered doubtful, and the amount in suit or judgment. Real and per- Thirteenthly. The value of the real and personal property held for ’°”“l °"“°°‘ the convenience of the association, specifying the amount of each. Fourteentbly. The amount of real estate taken in payment of debts due to the association. _ ilndivided prof- Fifteenthly. The amount of the undivided profits of the association. 'lgcbu f d_ V Sixteenthly. The total amount of the liability to the association by the ,,,s_ ° "°° directors thereof collectively, specifying the gross amount of such liabilities as principal debtors, and the gross amount of indorsers or sureties. The statement thus made shall forthwith be transmitted to the comptroller of the currency. Rate ofintcrest Sec. 46. And be it further enacted, That every association may take, ggukgfs and d*¤‘ reserve, receive, and charge on any loan, or discount made, or upon any note, bill of exchange, or other evidence of debt, such rate of interest or discount as is for the time the established rate of interest for delay in the