THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 59. 1863. 685 postage, advertising for proposals for paper, furniture, travelling expenses, horses and wagons, servant, and miscellaneous items, two thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. For the public printing, one hundred and twenty-four thousand five . C°*"”i” °"fg"’=“" hundred and thirty-nine dollars and seventy cents: Provided, That all ;_’&,.§°;@;Z 1;,,. Iithographing and engraving, where the probable cost exceeds two hun- est bidder. dred and fifty dollars, shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder for the interest of the Government, after due advertisement by the Superintendent of Public Printing. For paper for the public printing, including the Post-ollice blanks, one Paper for pubhundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and twelve dollars. H° P""*i"€· For the public binding, two hundred and twenty thousand three hun- Binding. dred and seventy-eight dollars and eight cents. Court of Claims. -—— For salaries of three judges of the Court of Claims, Court of Claims. the solicitor, assistant solicitor, deputy solicitor, clerk, and assistant clerk, and messenger thereof; twenty-seven thousand three hundred dollars. For stationery, books, fuel, lights, laborers’ hire, and other contingent and miscellaneous expenses, three thousand dollars. For compensation of attorneys to attend to taking testimony, and witnesses and commissioners, one thousand dollars. .Ea:ecutive.——- For compensation of the President of the United States, Executive. twenty-five thousand dollars. For compensation of the Vice-President of the United States, eight thousand dollars. For compensation of secretary to sign patents for lands, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. For compensation to the private secretary, steward, and messenger of the President of the United States, four thousand six hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Executive office, including stationery therefor, one thousand dollars. Department of Statc.—For compensation of the Secretary of State stm Depart. and Assistant Secretary of State, clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, m¤¤*· and laborers in his oillce, fifty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. For the Incidental and Contingent Expenses of said Department.- Contingencies. For publishing the laws in pamphlet form, and in newspapers of the L3'"- States and Territories, and in the city of Washington, seventeen thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars. For proofireading, and packing the laws and documents for the various legstions and consulates, including boxes and transportation of the same, three thousand dollars. For stationery, blanl<·books, binding, furniture, tixtures, and repairs, twelve thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, two thousand five hundred dollars. For copper-plate printing, books, and maps, five thousand dollars. For extra clerk hire and copying, ten thousand dollars. Northeast Executive Build1Ing.—For compensation of four watchmen Northeast Exand two laborers of the Northeast Executive Building, three thouszind six "°“°“"° B“'1d"‘g‘ hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz: for fuel, light, repairs, and miscellaneous expenses, five thousand five hundred dollars. Treasury Department. — For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury de- Treasury, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, messenger, assis- p“"m°°t‘ tant messenger, and laborers in his office, fifty-ibur thousand eight hundred dollars. For compensation of the First Comptroller, and the clerks, messenger, ist Comptroluml laborers in his office, thirty-tl1ree thousand seven hundred and forty ms °m°°‘ dollars. F or compensation of the Second Comptroller, and the clerks, messen- m?;ig§:£*'°]‘
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