Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/717

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 59. 1863. 687 In the office of the First Auditor: ist Auditors For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, and sub- Omescription to one city newspaper, one thousand five hundred dollars. In the office of the Second Auditor: 2d Auditor-S For stationery, office furniture, and miscellaneous items, including two omce. of the city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved, for the use of the office, and For additional officc furniture for the contemplated increase of' the clerical force of the office, ten thousand dollars. In the office of the Third Auditor: 3d A,,d;i,,,·, For blank books, binding, stationery, office furniture, carpeting, two office. newspapers, preserving tiles and papers, bounty land service, and miscellaneous items, two thousand two hundred dollars. In the office of the Fourth Auditor: iii, Auditgrlg For contingent expenses of the office, one thousand five hundred dol- ofii¤¢· lars. In the office of the Fifth Auditor: 5,,, A,,d,,,,,·, For blank books, stationery, postage, and miscellaneous expenses, in office. which are included two daily newspapers, one thousand dollars. In the office of the Treasurer: q~m,,uw·, For contingent expenses of the office, one thousand five hundred dol- ¤iH¢<=· lars. In the office of the Register: Registefs For stationery, arranging and binding cancelled marine papers, cases <>m°°· for official papers and records, and miscellaneous items, including office furniture and carpeting, five thousand dollars. Office of the Solicitor of the Treasury : Solicitors For stationery, labor, and miscellaneous items, and for statutes and re- °m°°· ports, two thousand two hundred dollars. Office of the Commissioner of Customs _Oniee of Com- For stationery, miscellaneous items, and office furniture, one thousand ;E‘;°“°' °f C"` five hundred dollars. Light-house Board: Light-house For stationery, miscellaneous expenses, and postage, six hundred dol- B°‘“`d‘ lars. For the General Purposes of the Southeast Executive Building, includ- S9“*h”€* EX` . , . . ecutive Building. mg the loxtenszon.—-For compensation of twelve watohmen and eleven laborers of the Southeast Executive Building, thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, fuel, light, labor, and miscel- Ianeous items, twenty thousand dollars. Department of the Interior.-For compensation of the Secretary of ,nB;i’L:_Ttm°“° °f the Interior, Assistant Secretary, and the clerks, messenger, assistant Secret,,,,,., messengers, watchmen, and laborers in his office, forty-four thousand seven office. hundred dollars. _ Oonlmgent Expenses-- Department of the Interior. C°"*‘”€°”* °X‘ . PGHSGS. Oflice of the Secretary of the Interior: Scm,m_`,,S O,Hce_ For books, stationery, furniture, fuel, lights, and other contingencies, “ and for books and maps for the library, seven thousand dollars. Repairs of pat. For casual repairs of the Patent-Otiice building, fifteen hundred dollars. ¢¤t OtH_¢¢· _ For expenses of packing and distributing Congressional journals and COE'S:;;Q£2g{€ documents, in pursuance of the provisions contained in the joint resolu- ,0,,,%,,;,, and doction of Congress, approved twenty-eighth January, eighteen hundred and umenf-¤-_ fifty-seven, and act fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, six \;‘glé9X"hp‘2;53' thousand dollars. v01_,;;,, 3j9_ Ofiioe of Indian Affairs: Om, ,,;-;,,,1;,,,, For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous Atfsirs. items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, five thousand dollars. C _ For compensation of the commissioner of the General Land Office, Gengf;{"f::K‘°' Ofiice.