Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/719

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 59. 1863. 689 tionery, and other incidental expenses, including pay of messenger, four thousand dollars. For office rent for the survcyor·genel•al of Washington Territory, fuel, Washington. books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of the surveyor-general’s office in New Mexico, fuel, books, New Mexico. stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For office rent of the surveyor-general of Kansas and Nebraska, fuel, Kansas and and incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. N°b"”k“‘ For rent of the surveyor-general’s office in the Territory of Colorado, Colorado. fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, one thousand dollars. For rent of the surveyor-gencral’s office in the Territory of Dakota, Dakota. fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. For salary of the recorder of land titles in Missouri, five hundred dol- Recorder in lam Missouri. For the pay of the wages of one clerk in the consolidated land-oflice Des Moines; at Des Moines, Iowa, one thousand dollars. I0"- War Department. —— For compensation of the Secretary of War, As- War Department. sistant Secretary of War, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, Soorerar-y‘s and laborer in his office, forty thousand fbur hundred and eighty dollars. °E°°‘ For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the officc of the Office of Adju- Adjuta.nt~General, fifty-six thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. t“"°'G°“"“l* For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the ofQuartei-mas- Quartermaster-General, forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty t"'G°"°"“l· dollars. For compensation of the clerks and messengers in the office of the of Paymaster- Payma.ster—General, eigl1ty-three thousand eight hundred and eighty dol- G°“°"“'• lars. For compensation of the clerks, me senger, and laborer in the office of Oy qommgsmy. the Commissary-General, twenty thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Gcuwl, For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the office of of Surgeonthe Surgeon-General, twelve thousand four hundred and forty dollars. Genmlr For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the office of of Topographi- Topographical Engineers, thirteen thousand eight hundred and forty dol- ***1 E“’“°°'°• lars. For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Chief of Chief Engi- Engineer, nine thousand four hundred and forty dollars. ncer, For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the of Colonel of Colonel of Ordnance, eighteen thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Ordnance, Oontingent Expenses of the War Department. Contingencies Otiice of the Secretary of War: of Vgar Depart- For blank books, stationery, books, maps, extra clerk hire, and miscel- mm ' laneous items, twelve thousand dollars. Office of the Adjutant-General: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, four thousand dollars. Office of the QuartermastenGeneml: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. Oflice of the Paymaster-General: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, three thousand dollars. Oflicc of the Commissary-General: For blank books, stationery, and binding, including rent of office, and hire of watchmen, seven thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. Office of the Chief Engineer: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred dollars. VOL. xu. Pos. —- 87